Talk:Wardley mapping

Active discussions

Outstanding - there are 4 TODOs and one example that need to be addressed --Gregbtalk 09:30, 7 June 2021 (UTC)

Common Roots

Common Sources (eg: Boisot, Moore, etc.)

Wardley maps are analytical

Cynefin® is non-analytical in nature, whereas Wardley Maps are created through analysis. - to add TODO: examples

TODO: I sense-checked this with Simon, he likes it, but prefers "direction" over "compass" - I've updated the text and edited it so the text is readable - probably needs another edit as 'approriate decisions' may be better

Move Complementary use section up to 2nd position.

Flexuous curves --> gives sense of timing to Wardley.

Added a paragraph on Pioneers, Settlers, Town Planners - --GregBro (talk) 09:49, 9 March 2021 (UTC)

Adding 'maturity' to the sensemaking section may may this easier to follow - --GregBro (talk) 14:13, 9 March 2021 (UTC)

Add a bit about wardley mapping being phenomenology based and for this reason it primarily an ordered model, that is we tend to model the interaction of things. Where is useful is where you find you are dealing mostly with an ordered space where Cynefin provides little differentiation - --GregBro (talk) 14:07, 9 March 2021 (UTC)

We will also see patterns of activity similar (building on the similarity to cynefin dynamics) - a custom build may never become a product and may oscillate between custom and product, with it in time being replaced by a competitive product - --GregBro (talk) 14:07, 9 March 2021 (UTC)

Link to the miro board to support idea exploration - (--Gregbtalk 14:49, 15 March 2021 (UTC))

Figure 1 mentions a Stage IV - Use. Would be good to elaborate on that. Also the explanation of Peace and War in the section to the stages in the figure maybe confusing for beginners.
Slack compares and contrasts the diffusion curves (Wardley) to the flexuous curves (cynefin?) to the s curves (apex predator) especially on detecting weak signals. Can the same be documented here in the similarities / differences section?
Also I am a bit confused between what the Figure 1 represents in the context of the above curves.
The note about SenseMaking position mentions Wardley Components. What would a component mean in the cynefin world of sensemaking?
Also some reconciliation is called for in the divergence between analytical / non-analytical nature amongst the two ----Umaraj (talk) 17:11, 9 March 2021 (UTC)

Clarified similarities between Cynefin and Wardley Maps, and merged the duplicated definition of typology into the top section. I would really, really love to include some examples! Particularly around confused / disordered approaches in the Industry (there are usually news articles for chaos at that scale!) and electrical plugs as an example of commoditization / fixed constraints. Don't know if that's appropriate though? --Lunivore (talk) 14:28, 12 April 2021 (UTC)

Liz at some stage I think it will be necessary to expand confused to A/C --Gregbtalk 09:18, 13 April 2021 (UTC)

Add something about - on Liz's list

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