Major workbench framework features
The features described here relate to user and technical discussion on the Workbench Framework. That is, features of the workbench that are not module or tab specific, but impact its overall working.
Modify and save configuration settings
These include:
- Specifying colours for the colour by.
- Controlling the objects displayed on the workbench.
- Default settings for the various workbench options.
- Data filtering options.
- Joining framework data from multiple framework collections ( wise and/or row wise).
- Adding stopwords for a given framework/workbench.
- Stone zone boxing updates for custom areas in stones.
- Upload and use of custom stone background images
Default settings for the various workbench options
The following are known to be in need of configuration options. These options are currently hard-coded, but these (in updated form) will be given as user options
Option | System Default | Description |
toggleNot | false | Whether the filter applied is the negation of the current set filter. Options true/false |
toggleAndOr | AND | Left menu filters will logical AND each each filter selected. Options are AND/OR. |
layoutStyle | Horizontal | The default layout style is horizontal. Graphics will be placed left to right, top to bottom. options are Horizontal/Vertical |
brushEffect | List | Brushing (and clicking, where applicable) the graphics will result in fragments being listed in the Fragment tab. Filter, will filter the data, Both filter and list. Options are List/Filter/Both |
leftMenuEffect | Both | Using the left menu options will List, Filter or list and filter (Both). Options are List/Filter/Both |
fragmentListAccumulate | false | When List used in Brush or leftMenuEffect, multiple selections or brushes will either accumulate (true) or refresh (false) |
percount | Counts | The histogram and bar charts to show counts or Percentages. Options are Counts/Percentages |
opaqueFilter | false | When using Filter or Both, whether the filtered out fragments in dot plots are to be removed from the graphics (false) or to show but in opaque form (true). Options are true/false |
zonePercentages | false | Whether to show the zone percentages by default. Options are true/false |
zoneCounts | false | Whether to show the zone counts by default. Options are true/false |
zoneDots | false | If zone counts or percentages shown, whether or not to also display the dots (in opaque form). Options true/false |
CSVExportOptions | FragmentsOnly | Only the FragmentID, NarrID, Fragment Text (all text boxes with isFragment set to true in the capture definition) and title included in the export. Options are FragmentsOnly/All Columns |
includeZones | false | Whether or not to include triad zones in the export. Will also include dyad |
dyadMean | Mean | Display the Mean for the dyad in the dyad display. Options are Mean/Median |
displayDyadTicks | false | Whether to display the ticks showing the position of the dyad selections within the histogram. Options are true/false |
DyadXfullRange | true | The dyad X range is 0 - 100 and this set to true means that the X Axis will always show from 0 - 100. False means that the X axis only displays the actual data range (when filtering, may be smaller range. Options are true/false. |
DyadYfullRange | true | If true, then the Y range will remain the full dataset range during filtering, otherwise the Y range will fit to the current filtered data. Options are true/false |
dotSize | 1.5 | Currently the triad dot size (use to be triad and stones). This will be replaced by an option for each dot plot. |
dotColour | black | Dot plot default colour - currently only triad. This will be changed to have options for each dot plot (except stones, which are coloured by stone). Options - any valid R colour name. |
dotTransparency | 1 | A value between 0 and 1 - dots don't show to full strength opacity. |
GraphQuality | 1200 | The dots per inch for png graph output. Set to the DPI required. |
MCQBarThreshold | 31 | Used for sparse entries - e.g. a MCQ of countries where only a small number of countries have been selected. In the MCQ bar listing, this is the cut off number whether to include only those responded or all of them. |
Comments and annotations
Being able to make comments that reflect the thinking process of the analyst user as they are working - stepping forward in the workbench. This may be insights, thoughts about why they are selecting certain filters and so on.
Comments do not display on output (i.e. within the graphic output of the workbench) but are available as notes that can be viewed through time.
providing notes within individual graphics that can be viewed by other users, yourself or part of printed output. These notes typically provide an interpretive comment on the data seen in the output and will show within the graph area that the annotation was created (with options to hide).
Save workbench snapshot
The user will be able to save the workbench at any given time as a named snapshot. The snapshot will include all the current data filtering and option settings along with any comments entered regarding the process to date or reasons for various filter settings.