CSV Export Columns

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This page describes each of the columns in a SenseMaker® Workbench CSV Export page.

Which columns the export will contain will depend on the options selected as described in the #CSV Exports from Workbench page.


The unique identifier of the individual signified fragment, generated from the SenseMaker® platform.


A generated unique simple integer number, starting from 1, incrementing for each signifier to the total fragment count, and regenerated on each export run.

This integer can be useful for software coding unique identifiers, provided memory between exports isn't required (as these numbers are regegenrated in the export). If memory of particular fragments are required, then the FragmentID should be used.


The SenseMaker® Collector® version for the fragment capture.


The frament definition language for the fragment capture.


This is the date/time in long integer format that the fragment was updated to the SenseMaker® Server.

The next columns contained in the csv output are here generically defined, as the actual columns are framework definition specific.

Triad Columns

Each triad is output in either 5 or 6 columns.

X and Y Axes Values

The first two Triad columns are the cartesian coordinate value. These can be used to replicate the collective triad dots on a standard plot such as Rs ggplot2 geom_point() geom.

Anchor Values

The next three column values are the Top, Left and Right anchor values. They are proportions that will sum to 1 and thus represent the data in Aitchison simplex. These values would be used for statistical calculations or any graphing where the accuracy of the compositional nature of the data is required. For example, the "Tern" tab on the All Signifiers module of the Workbench uses the anchor values to display the data, calculate the mean values and generate the heat maps/contour lines. A typical use made of these columnsis in calculating differences in means where the statistical test is performed on a log ratio of the 3 columns.

See the Wikipedia page (with references)| Compositional Data for a detailed description of the Aitchison simplex and for details on compositional data analysis.

NA column

If the triad definition has allowed for a not applicable checkbox, an additional column is added containing a "1" for those fragments with not applicable clicked.

Dyad Columns

Each triad is output in either 3 or 4 columns.

X Value

The first Dyad column is the X value selected by the dyad anchor ball. These can be used to replicate the collective distribution plot (such as a histogram) on a standard maths plot such as Rs ggplot2 geom_hist() geom.

Anchor Values

The next three column values are the Top, Left and Right anchor values. They are proportions that will sum to 1 and thus represent the data in Aitchison simplex. These values would be used for statistical calculations or any graphing where the accuracy of the compositional nature of the data is required. For example, the "Tern" tab on the All Signifiers module of the Workbench uses the anchor values to display the data, calculate the mean values and generate the heat maps/contour lines. A typical use made of these columnsis in calculating differences in means where the statistical test is performed on a log ratio of the 3 columns.

See the Wikipedia page (with references)| Compositional Data for a detailed description of the Aitchison simplex and for details on compositional data analysis.

NA column

If the triad definition has allowed for a not applicable checkbox, an additional column is added containing a "1" for those fragments with not applicable clicked.

Multichoice question (MCQ) Columns

The MCQ output will depend on whether the MCQ was a single select or multi-select. A single select MCQ means that the respondent may only select a maximum of one of the options, whereas in a multichoice MCQ, the user may select more than one option.

Single Select MCQ

Each MCQ contains a single column containing the value that was selected by the respondent.

Multiselect MCQ

A separate column is created for each MCQ option. In the MCQ option column, an integer "1" is placed to indicate that the respondent had selected that option.

MCQ NA Column

If the MCQ enabled the Not Applicable checkbox, then the output will contain an NA column that will contain an integer "1" if the MCQ Not Applicable was selected by the respondent. If this is the case, the other MCQ column(s) will be blank. The NA column might not be labeled NA as SenseMaker® enables the user designing an instrument to provide their own text label for this checkbox.

MCQ Other Column

It is possible in SenseMaker® to provide for an Other textbox for the respondent to select and provide a value not available within the MCQ option list. If this is allowed, then the CSV will contain an additional column for the Other option and will contain the value entered by the respondent. The column header may not be labeled "Other" because SenseMaker® enables the user designing an instrument to provide their own label for the other option.

Textbox values

A column is created for each textbox in the instrument. The column values are the respondent entered text.

Stone Columns

Each stone defined to the project will have a number of columns sets.

Stone Ratio

This indicates how stretched the stone canvas background is past being a square. This is the x axis multiplier if any reproduction of the stone values are to match the shape of the input. A ratio of 1 means that the input canvas was square.

Stone Values

Each individual stone has two columns. These columns give the compositional value of the stone X and stone Y values as though the stone was two dyads. The X axis "dyad" having the Left Value as 1 - XRight and the XRight value (summing to 1). The Y axis Dyad consists of the Y Bottom value (which is 1 - YTop) and the YTop value. Thus if the pointer is placed in the middle, the stone output is represented as two compositions. <0.5, 0.5> for the X axis and <0.5, 0.5> for the top.

To make the stone as a whole a compositional then the 4 stone values, for each individual stone (remember only 2 output in the CSV so the other 2 have to be calculated) needs to be closed. Then a pointer for a stone placed in the middle of the triad will have a single value <0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25>

X Right Column

This is the value of the right hand side anchor of the X axis of the stone. It is a value between 0 and 1.

Y Top Column

This is the value of the top anchor of the Y axis of the stone. It is a value between 0 and 1.

This means that to plot a dot plot of the stones, simply plot the X Right and Y Top values (adjusting the X by the Stone Ratio if

NA Column

If the NA option is available a separate NA column will be added for the stone canvas (i.e not per individual stone but for the stone as a whole). It will contain an integer "1" if the respondent has selected the NA checkbox. It might not be labeled NA as SenseMaker® enables the user designing an instrument to provide their own text label for this checkbox.

Entry Yr Mth

This column contains the server entry date in Year/Month format. This is useful for grouping data.


This column contains an unformatted Year Month Day value for the server entry date in YYYYMMDD order and is useful for grouping.


This is the fragment in html format containing the text for all of the fragment boxes (with their corresponding labels) with isFragmentPart set to "true" in the project definition.


The fullFragmentEntry without the html.


This contains the text used to build the wordcloud (and will be other natural language processing facilities). It is in the html format (so might need to be altered).

Triad Zone Values

Contains for each fragment the zone for each triad. Thus will contain as many columns as there are triads. The value in each column is simply the zone the triad value was placed in. Thus will be one of L, T, R, Centre, LT, LR, TR.