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Also Davina notes: Early Morning River Ramblings: on mapping constraints (downloaded) & Constraint Circles 03 March.pdf (ditto).

Note on using boundary waters landscape as a framing device:

  • As a canoeist/kayaker, I've devoted rather more time than is healthy to trying to come up with river-system framings for navigating anthro-complexity.... also noting the parallels with the Kawa (river) model of occupational therapy... but the idea of navigating a single channel with a clear destination isn't a great starting point!
  • One option is to switch things around and consider upstream travel: navigating to an adjacent watershed. That brings a LOT into play, from using weak signal detection to pick up counter-currents and keeping your options open with an unsustainable pace ahead of anticipated floodwaters to critical bifurcation points where you might choose between creeping up different banks or even portaging to an adjacent tributary.
  • Another option comes with these two photos. They show the Boundary Waters (for convenience)... but navigating THAT landscape genuinely can be a case of looking at adjacent possibles with a view to moving broadly in a general direction. Being stormbound because of wind on the open water might even drive you to do a day portaging through the forest!
  • As I see it, the biggest advantage of the white water analogy is the way it forces a focus on the relentless nature of flow. We might be able to grab a brief "time-out"... but not just anywhere, and not without skill, without commitment and without risk/consequences.
  • Time out in WW usually comes with making a manouvre that buys time... and if you want a good vantage point, your options might be more limited: pause too early and you learn nothing, pause too late and you're beyond a point of no-return.
  • What people perceive in a WW environment is key. Even at the highest level we find enthusiasts who are acutely aware that they aren't picking up on the affordances that others are noticing (e.g. Nouria Newman wishing to see through Aniol Serrasolses's eyes).
  • In terms of mapping constraints... a final advantage is the relevance is the path dependency. E.g. when I first took my daughter down the Ardèche, I never even noticed one spot where people die each year... because it was simply not relevant to any route we might consider... even if things went pear shaped!
  • With all that said... I could see a case for sending the following film to someone who has had anthro-complexity training... and inviting reflection on the decision making, etc. Key thing: they watch to the end... as the reflections in the final minute may challenge impressions you've picked up in the earlier sections.
  • Linguistic constraints? Like removing platitudes, globally renaming “requirements” to “assumptions” …

Davina Gem: "constraints do not necessarily have any relationship that maps them together (my narrow experience of a map requires this, so this where I was struggling in the session… I felt a need for a quality to map to, something that binds constraints and works together logically and could therefore lend itself to being represented spatially… I was perhaps not alone here, as within my session there was a question around what might be plotted on axes etc)..

More Davina:

  • I feel there is a bigger picture here which we need to consider before just mapping constraints... Maybe there is something in looking at managing lists, as the lists contain elements that not only would be helpful monitored over time, but in relation to eachother, as there is much connecting them, that a purely linear device would miss, losing the potential to use the information in noticing the dynamism (or not) in an area of interest... If we look at constraints as the whole shebang rather than a subset of a bigger picture, I feel we may come across unnecessary barriers when further developments in mapping pop into the mix...
  • ... and yes, love the simplicity of the primary shapes, if we can do this well it will be truly effective! Just need to do a wee bit of planning and working out what we actually need to represent and connect, to enable pattern recognition etc...
  • The wider context wouldn't need to take long or be in depth, but perhaps would be helpful when considering themes and potential needs/misunderstanding and how to use the various methods of representation best (shape, quality of line, colour etc)...

Christopher Bramley Gem:

  • I am loving the thought of simultaneously mapping topography and geology, the former signalling the state of the latter and the latter determining the state of the former; further, I love the idea of mapping it in marine terms, where it's not just an overlay of symbols and land but a 3 dimensional aspect connecting the two.
  • As a scuba diver this makes a lot of sense, and I really identified with Dave's preference for marine maps; not only the geology and the topography are there but the currents and dynamics as well, and also a complex set of ecosystems. Where land based maps will be largely the same over short timeframes, ocean ones may change hour to hour!
  • So I'm wondering about the idea of different levels or types of constraint mapping based on the human system we do them in.
  • Additionally - I play a lot of games and understand 3D maps very well from basic design (the space-within-space aspect fascinates me), but I also write fantasy and design a lot of maps for that, so I wanted to explore one further thought:
  • The map in 3D landscapes and in fantasy worlds defines the world, but the map also defines itself. Unlike the real world, which is there to be mapped, in games and books the maps don't exist until they and the world define each other, essentially, and emergent properties result from that evolution.
  • But further to the games, I love the thought of the game map defining the game, but most games also having a mini- or simpler- map usually with symbols to simplify aspects of the overall world map, so a mapping and then a simplified symbolic mapping within the mapping. A notable exception of this rather pleasingly brings the thought full circle; I play a wonderful game called Subnautica which is you alone on an alien waterworld with diving apparatus as a survival game. Not only is it beautiful and has 3 dimensional breadth and depth (geography, topology and islands, creatures and dynamically shifting biomes, puzzles etc), but you have to keep in mind aspects other than hunger, thirst and horizontal movement - air and vertical movement, plus crush considerations abound.
  • Most interestingly, it's one of the few games of its type with no map - you can craft beacons which give you direction, and depending on where you approach them from and what creatures are around, the approach is dispositional in nature. So there is no map, only adaptive/exaptive process and memory as you move between domains and the two map types; where a map is less useful than a compass!

Tom Kerwin List: "to get this stuff down to the right level of granularity – decompose to smallest coherent pieces to then be able to recombine different sets to inspire novel constraints etc.

  • Temporal time-boxing, like sprints, different meeting lengths
  • Temporal cadence, like weekly reviews, daily rituals, annual festivals
  • Boundary ceremonies - like a Friday finishing celebration
  • Abstinence – Screen-free Sunday, fasting for Ramadan
  • Feasting – Thanksgiving
  • Ex-stasis – using rituals, pharmaceuticals?!, environment, movement to disrupt cognitive patterns
  • Connective rituals - like free company breakfast, family Sunday lunch
  • Environmental friction, like locking sweets in a cupboard and putting fruit in a bowl on the table
  • Environmental scrambling, like going on retreat or doing a walking meeting or going to
  • Behavioural constraints, like ritual silence while listening, facilitating in a foreign language, wikipedia code of conduct
  • Forcing functions, like Dave giving himself a title for a presentation he hasn’t written so he has to come up with the ideas on the fly
  • Social constraints like peer pressure, mimesis(?!)
  • Artificial scarcity? Limit seats in a workshop.
  • Generative limitation, like you have to paint with your “wrong” hand, dance using only one movement
  • Membership conditions, like the rules for choosing entangled trios,
  • Triggered ceremonies, like ringing the sales bell
  • Identity shifting rituals, like dressing differently, taking a walk around the block before and after work, rearranging a room
  • Focusing constraints, like giving different people different things to watch for when observing a situation, or games like “create connections between two randomly chosen concepts”

Iain List:

  • Typology (think this is a lot of the thread - probably because it's what's been asked for in the videos?),
  • Approach to finding constraints in a system using the typology..
  • Use of constraints we're aware of..
  • Constraint design (e.g Temporal, Plastic Ephemeral from Jabe)
  • Links to Strategy and Strategic use of them..
  • Granularity and fractality.. ie. Org etc (context),
  • Perception of them - one person's enabling is another's governing. Biological metaphor of Opportunity vs Threat...
  • Links to context (and how to see you're using in an inappropriate context)
  • Triggers to reassess for undiscovered or changing constraints. (E.g. change in the proportion of dark constraints)
  • Constraints and affordances (could be thought of as similar things).

Music as a case study:

PE Case Study (mapping other people's attunement to affordances as our constraints)

  • anthro-complexity, the most significant assemblages are almost all oriented around affordances. Examples of assemblages oriented around affordances from a sector we all intuitively know / grasp:
    • Many at all levels in the system (including school management) are attuned to PE in school as an opportunity to "combat" obseity (affordance for PE as physical activity);
    • Many in the gig-economy are seeing outsourced school PE as an opportunity to fund a pathway into coaching (affordance for PE as generic sports coaching);
    • Many in sport are seeing school PE as an opportunity to recruit for participation / talent pathways (affordance for PE as growing a market / skill development);
  • The "assemblages" in my example include some pretty unholy alliances... and if we map the affordances to which each assemblage is attracted, we start to get a map of the dysfunctional dispositional states we have to work with as we seek "adjacent possibles" which might lead to the whole system not going to hell in a handcart.
  • I'm currently working on an idea for mapping all of this (it's preoccupied me though-out the last week)... but where a tidal atlas shows tidal flows at different stages in a repeated cycle... our maps need to show where assemblages on our maps are oriented / seeing paths ahead.
  • At a minimum, I see a constraint map for the above sector as needing a few key elements:
  • Chimera (dystopian imagined futures: key modulators) towards which the assemblages are oriented;
  • Major, immediate affordances which are being exploited (arterial routes);
  • Major bifurcation points from which further affordances proceed (as paths taken will hugely constrain our opportunities for action);
  • Points where affordances start looking vulnerable / unclear / as leading into entanglement;
  • Note: I am not suggesting we map OUR affordances... but the dispositional states of whatever we're mapping...

Iceberg as a visual metaphor:




Philippe Guenet 11:50 AM There are a lot of what was discussed in Crews seem to have some good material in ORSC (Organisation and System Relationship Coaching). The 5 RSI (Relationship System Intelligence) principles would be interesting:

  1. Each relationship system has its own unique identity or ‘personality’.
  2. Hearing, seeing and feeling the Team: every member of the relationship system is a Voice of the System.
  3. The Team has the answers: Relationships systems are naturally intelligent, generative and creative.
  4. Roles belong to the Team: Relationships systems rely on roles for their organization and execution of functions.
  5. Change is constant: Relationships systems are in a constant state of emergence.

Philippe Guenet 11:58 AM

  • There are some Coaching exercises in ORSC that would be relevant to the early part of the conversation around roles:
  • Formal constellation is a way of organising the system with their role and the system playing its role with gestures
  • Deep democracy is also an interesting tool where people take Voices / Roles in the system and talk from those positions. Conversation emerges from it and it allows to visit perspectives. It can be formal by agreeing the range of roles to bring in. Sometimes it is also interesting how other role start emerging with the idea of “ghosts”, ie. roles or people no longer in the system that still have an influence on the system (eg. I am pretty sure that Steve Jobs is still in people’s minds at Apple).
  • ORSC also looks at roles in the form of Outer Roles (ie. executive roles given by the organisation) and inner roles (roles needed by the system). It is always interesting to explore the roles needed for the system to function and finding creative roles for this - eg. I worked with one team and the role of “Mum” emerged in the discussion that the main stakeholder was effectively playing. As she was moving on, it was an interesting conversation to figure how does the team work without a “Mum”. There is also a deeper exploration into roles with secret selves / triggered roles / ghosts and time spirits.

Philippe Guenet 5:36 PM

  • Visual of the 5 RSI principles

Odd Arne Nissestad 11:05 AM I find this topic interesting and partly difficult - I believe that crews are extremely important where you can apply them - I think some of the things Dave said concerning training and preparation for the role is key. In the military I trained my crew, either it was in operational room or on the artillery. What is interesting is that when you move around in that world - I could move into any operational room in Nato and I would easily fit in. In the business world this is a bit different, and much more unclear - this is also made worse due to a heavy use of matrix organizations - so very often is there a fundamental lack of role understanding - role acceptance, and role orientation. I believe that here there us a huge potential for improvement; and methods for this important. I have been working a lot with team and team development - done research on it as well. When I was at the Naval Academy we used the team as a development arena when it came to leadership development. We measured the team dynamics and tried to develop the team through working on the interaction between them - once we succeeded - but that was no du to design but as a result of emergence of new interactions patterns among the cadets despite the facilitators. This was on a Bark in the middle of the Atlantic - and since then I always said you can't design for leadership and team development, any attempt to do so if most likely fail. I think the metaphor of scaffolding is key to understanding these things. So, what I tend to think I can't change a person but I can tell another one what kind of effect that behavior got on me - by doing so I making the interactions between us key. So, what we are trying to do is to develop a repertoire through interaction to crate adaptability - here context is key.

Odd Arne Nissestad 11:14 AM Maybe Dave will jump on me now - but a close friend of mine and a Professor who have been working with teams for decades going back to the work Bales started with at Harvard which was later followed up in Norway when the SYMLOG was established (SYMLOG basically killed off much of that research) says that Belbin is to team as MBTI is to personality. In my dissertation I connected team-, team development and team measurement to John Boyds's work on interactions and isolation which what Strategy is all about and some of Sun Tzu form and formlessness together - but that was linked to 4th generation warfare.

Pierre Andipatin 1:17 PM @Philippe Guenet @Corina Lupu some very useful questions and considerations around roles and relationships. I actually see the logic behind role definition as crucial as it ties back to the fundamental purpose for which we rapidly create crews. So the focus is more on the common purpose, which could be a point of cohesion/an "attractor" perhaps. My sense is that with crew formation we are working very deliberately to formalise the rapid creation of crews. This may be a little different to using relationships as the precursor of sorts. The roles are important though as they create some constraints for how the crews function and what individuals bring. i.e. diversity and other attributes. Keeping in mind too that tension can be positive in crews if the right constraints are in place to manage that. Where does the connection come from? the common purpose of the crew. (I may have totally missed your points in which case I apologise in advance and look forward to your correction!) As mentioned above, I see some related questions your dialogue poses around how we work with "attractors" too - this is important in my view as it brings both an element of emergence/perhaps be used deliberately to stimulate informal networks (emergent networks) or used deliberately in crew formation. (edited)

Philippe Guenet 2:46 PM You can recognise that some key roles and what they represent need to exist in teams. For instance in a digital tech / Agile delivery team you would think about a Product Owner / Scrum Master / Engineering & Architecture. In my view the challenge is to then formalise in detail what those roles are about. In fact in a recent org design I worked on we purposefully left some of this open, because we wanted to leave the teams defining the details for themselves and focus on their relationship towards outcomes. We also wanted to learn as we changed the context from hierarchical to value-stream. Some of it worked, some of it was challenged because the team did not put as much intentionality around their relationships (and COVID did not help). In crews, like in emergency services, I believe it is the same: The crew tends to be crystal clear about their objective (eg saving a life at sea) They have roles, but first and foremost they have implicit alignment to the good outcome (in business the alignment needs to be more explicit and intentional) The roles exist at a crew level. People step into those roles. Sometimes, they are the specialist of the role (eg. pilot / captain of the boat, navigator), but if a person is not there, other people will step into the role. Aiming for resilience, you may look into natural abilities and developing competencies into the people so in different cases of personal issues, the crew remains resilient. The context / outcomes can vary what you need. Eg. A creative team does not need as much completing finishing. (see PST from Simon Wardley) The explicit roles tend to be normalised to provide consistency. There is a deeper layer into roles and no 2 teams are the same as it digs more into the natural ability. Teams find their balance at the level. eg. Motivator, peacemaker, etc. (those are closer to the Belbin roles). Sometimes teams miss something at this deeper level as well. It is good to have conversation about what’s in the team / what’s needed for the outcomes / how they can make up the in-balance. 2:51 In ORSC we also talk about the 3rd entity and refer to the “System” (or the Crew in Cynefin language) as a human being. There are multiple exercises based on the 3rd entity. The 3rd entity is the bound between the people - it is the identity of the Team/Crew. People define the 3rd entity (from their relationship) and the entity defines them too (by ways of roles they fill). It feels to me that those considerations are useful to Crews but I am wondering if this is going a step too far within Cynefin or if we should indeed explore further.

Odd Arne Nissestad 3:50 PM The advantage with crews if you look at them since they go through extended training and development together (e.g. like in the military) they develop this implicit guidance and control, hence they can just look at each other an know what to do. That you can only develop by sharing the same kind of experience due to training and working together in a similar environment and context. The problem in the Vietnam war was basically last man in was first man out (normally in a body bag). The fragging was also extremely high since the soldiers rotated after 12 months, the officers served only 6 months. So that training part together is extremely important. We train OiM (offshore installation mangers) when it comes to readiness etc. They have to pass that training to get that position, and normally they just get one shoot at it. Everybody knows that an OiM has gone through that training when he or she get their position on the platform. However, the real test is when the first real serious incident happen - then everybody is watching the OiM as hawk to see how he or she behaves - that's the most important point, because that's referencing. How he or she behaves then have major impact on things will turn out for that OiM as a crisis manager. This is the exact same thing that happens when a child is sitting on the floor and and mouse run across the floor. The child will first look at, in this case the mother, and se how she reacts, if she reacts calmly - then you the child will most likely behave the same way next time a mouse run across the floor, if the mother panic, you will get another reaction from the child. So, consciousness concerning roles are extremely important, and role and identity together with role expectations is extremely important. My experience working in business since march 2007 is that the awareness around these things is too low.

Role and identity: I would say yes - the problem will occur when there's a mismatch between identity and role. That could sometimes be difficult, so you need to have that role awareness and be able to do that change through rituals, here I consider what Dave says about cognitive load and re-orientation and ability to adjust to the requirements of the role and the what the context requires to be extremely important. An example: I measuring people motivation when it comes to willingness to influence (power) - a leadership role might require that you do that even though you might not be motivated to do that, then you need to develop that skill set as a part of the role. Some people want to influence all the time, then they are being perceived as dominating, to pushy etc - then they must be able to learn that sometimes the leadership requires to listen without influencing all the time. And if you want two individuals with very different motivation on this value to cooperate it requires tolerance and mutual respect - and I think that might be easier to achieve if you think roles instead of me as a person. By the way this tool was one of Jürgen Klopp's secrets when he was the manger in Mainz and Dortmund. Also one important tool and approach to Germany's victory winning the world championship in handball in 2007 (I think). The picked both the ones who should take the penalties (missed only one) and the one being the captain of the team by measuring what motivated the players - and match that to the different roles.

Greg Brougham 7:16 PM Odd, I think that okay for role in a generic sense but in a crew the role is defined and the person is assuming the given role. This is why I would raw a distinction between roles you play on a team and within a crew. For the former you have some flexibility about how you undertake the role and there is a certain element of making it your own

Odd Arne Nissestad 7:58 PM Let put it another way - you as the role taker need to have some dispositional states that match the role, hence there is a match between you and what the role requires as being part of the crew. That' so fascinating with sports, who they are really become visible because it is so important for them, or as Professor Hogan says at Hogan Assessment Center "who you are (nature and nurture) determines how you lead" I did a motivation profiling of previous navy seals at the Academy - there was one extreme profile there, his main motivational drivers didn't fit into the academy's approach to leadership development. So, I remember one of the fist thing I said to him - "I bet my money on that you have had a miserable time here, especially the 12 weeks where you on the bark from Norway - USA and back". His first reply - how the heck I knew that - his profile gave the answer. However, he had a perfect profile of being part of the navy seal crew as a sharp shooter. The problem or the challenge is that he lacked adaptability to take om different roles since they required something else, like being CO of the bark, but If I needed a sharp shooter I would pick him any day any time. I guess there is a reason why IDF uses people with some minor "issues" to detect radar signals...they see things that I would't see 7:59 By the way being captain of a handball team requires that you set up the play, so that's a role used 3 out of 6 players can take

Greg Brougham 8:47 AM I can see where you are coming from and agree not everyone will fit into a role. I tend find there is a bit of normalisation that goes on but the role itself is predefined by the relevant regulations or by the existing crew. If you don’t observer/honour the existing role definitions then you will not fit 8:47 As an side have to looked at how the all blacks manage their team structure and roles

Odd Arne Nissestad 9:26 AM Agree on that - but what if crew - the roles are not interacting with the real ongoing world, then they will not adapt, get isolated and fail. Thera's been a lot of breakdown in crews due this - but as always (it seems) in hindsight (as always) they had the information - my point is that a crew and a role can become to rigid in its approach. There's too many siccors or something like that sewed in into people - the check list should help (Atul Gawande).

Greg Brougham 9:33 AM There does need to be the ability for roles to evolve - a simple example being the use of gps for navigation and the impact it has had on sailing and racing but the function of the crew had largely remained the same in this context. That is not to say that function of the crew may be achieved another way, for example automation

Luca 8:12 PM Samba schools are an interesting topic in many respects. The following article by Alfredo Behrens (I can make the connection, if needed) contains some interesting hints. Though not written with a complexity paradigm in mind, and slightly off-topic, I believe it's worth a read. Make sure you wear Snowdonian lenses. [Behrens, A., Singh, P. and Bhandarker, A. (2018), View from Practice: Managing Effectively in Collectivist Societies: Lessons from Samba Schools and Dabbawalas. Thunderbird International Business Review, 60: 137-145.] PDF ManagementLessonsfromSambaSchoolsandDabbawalas1.pdf 573 kB PDF573 kB — Click to view



2 replies Last reply 11 days agoView thread

Philippe Guenet 9:31 AM I have been thinking this weekend and I am looking to write under Crews a couple of sections on: Relationships and roles Explicit and implicit roles We can discuss and comment there on. I need to figure the right terms.

Greg Brougham 10:05 AM I think we need to restructure the page and separate out the type of crews to provide the space for this

Philippe Guenet 10:08 AM Agreed. We probably need to merge the notes at the top within the structure below as well. I can look into this tomorrow.

Greg Brougham 10:09 AM May have time to look at this later today

Pierre Andipatin 4:07 PM Hi all - I have added a couple of links to the wiki by Ginnett, R.C. can be found here: specifically and I'm reviewing the book chapter which I have access for. Crews as Groups: Their Formation and their Leadership The objective of this chapter is to change the focus of crewmembers from solely a perspective of competent individuals coming together to do work to a…

Richard S 11:07 AM I've reviewed the entry in the wiki on crews. I don't have edit access to the wik so I've copied text into a google doc and commented there. I think there's a key theme about crews that has not been captured so far.

Cynefin Dynamics

Philippe Guenet 7:16 AM

Donna Glanvill 7:19 AM Pinned by Mario López de Ávila Muñoz

alistair.macdonald 11:37 AM Hello all, here is a recording of todays session : Wistia, Inc. The Cynefin Wiki - Cynefin dynamics 1 GALLERY VIEW

Mike Haber 5:00 PM Is there a link to the session happening now?

Colin Pinks:speech_balloon: 5:01 PM Dave is running late, as still talking in 1600 session

2 replies Last reply 18 days agoView thread

Greg Spencer 5:01 PM

EventbriteEventbrite Online Event Page | Eventbrite Eventbrite brings people together through live experiences. Discover events that match your passions, or create your own with online ticketing tools.

Mike Haber 5:02 PM @Greg Spencer @Colin Pinks thanks!

alistair.macdonald 10:15 PM hello all: here is the second session recording: Wistia, Inc. The Cynefin Wiki - Cynefin dynamics 2 GALLERY VIEW

Greg Brougham 11:05 AM There is a page on the wiki here, linked under concepts for now -

Philippe Guenet 12:25 AM I have done quite a few updates to the Dynamics Page added an introduction developed each dynamic from what was there + my notes + Dave’s blog post Added a table for the inflection points (need to complete the content) Added a link to Dave’s blog. Please feel free to improve

Philippe Guenet 12:27 AM I am intending to document more the decision points next and also add a note and link to Wardley Maps as maps are also about movement dynamics. Cynefin is more about situations and maps are more about “things” - I need to find the right words for this.





1 reply 10 days agoView thread

Philippe Guenet 12:28 AM I will also work on the Wardley Maps page.

Iain_P 7:17 AM Hi, it's great that you are the Pioneer, someone always had to break the ground and this makes it easy for others to comment. Writing is hard, editing is easy (easier) For what it's worth, have added comments below.. Am (or can be) a detailed person, so some of these may risk me being a pedant. But are in the spirit of starting a conversation and my intent is just to help and improve. Feel free to ignore comments, I've no issues with comments being ignored. :) Although some people tend to take a static view of the Cynefin domains, [1. I agree with you this needs to be addressed, but doesn't feel like a 'positive' start to the page?]

Cynefin always intended to look at the dynamics of situations. [2. Haven't listened to the video, would have to research this to establish intent of Dave from the start]

Making sense of a situation will always have a degree of fluidity as the context evolves and the knowledge progresses. [3.1 Fluidity over time, but can't we make sense at a moment in time? 3.2 Again I know what you're saying, nothing is fixed, context is fractal, we know as we go. 3.3 Maybe a situation doesn't always have fluidity, in long time yes, but statement feels a bit absolute? 3.4 I think this comment also assumes a lot of knowledge so will need cross referencing to other areas of the site. We probably need a way to flag these dependencies and pre-requisites to the people writing the other areas of the site] The introduction of liminality renewed the attention to Cynefin Dynamics. [4. Again I'd have to listen to the video first, I can't remember the timeline in my head if the dynamics came before Liminality. Seem to remember Dave drawing the circles in a meet-up without Liminality. IE. Was it Liminality that renewed attention, for who, as in was this the only thing that renewed the attention] Many dynamics exist. The above diagram is capturing the essential ones, which we are detailing below. [5.1 Again, got to listen to the video, I guess this could relate to potential for infinite possible patterns of movement in reality? 5.2 Framing sounds like dynamics of incomplete, Vs dynamics consciously - if that's the case - highlights the patterns of most use, or that repeated across a number of contexts and over time?] Decisions points have been marked (alpha, beta, gama, etc) and are also explained. Movement between the domain can be achieved by: [6. Can be achieved, feels definite? 'is possible' or, set some boundaries around this statement? 'within the Cynefin Framework'] Progressing the knowledge from multiple probes [7. do we achieve movement by this? Is this about awareness of need to move, or that they context is shifting?] Changing the nature of the constraints (enabling / rules or governing / policies) [8. Agree with this, maybe a tweak here, but can't put my finger on why I'm thinking this. Also needs a flag to constraints group to cross reference.] Placing boundaries and the nature of the boundaries [9.1 Needs expanding, but clearly you've intentionally summarised for now am guessing. 9.2 Is this a point about constraints design or dynamics? IE. What goes in dynamics, what gets spilt out? Who decides this. - either way, great that you put this down] DecompositionEtc. [10 of? Constraints am guessing?] That's it off top of head, apologies for adding here, can't edit in wiki, so tried to help here instead. Will watch the video, am conscious that some of my thoughts may be directly contradicted in there..!! [Edit: oh, and I'll be wrong on some views / thoughts clearly.] (edited)

Philippe Guenet 12:06 PM @Iain_P [1 and 2] Static view / Cynefin and dynamics --> Dave started like this. If you see a better way, please feel free to edit. [3.1 - 3.2 ] yes - though different contexts will evolve at different speed. You can have a snapshot indeed. There is a view that seeing things should not be in a static perspective but with a view of its future dynamics [3.3] Even if things stabilise, I think that over time the context will change and dynamics will apply. If anything when things stabilise and industrialise, where do you put your mind to next? [3.4] fair enough, please make inserts where you see fit [4] Dynamics were always there, but when putting liminality together (2018 I think), Dave created more attention to the boundary states and the transition. This renewed the focus on the dynamics . There are some dynamics that we could include with 3x3 in each Domain and ways how it may go from one domain to anoher. Maybe we should include this. [5.1] the Cliff of complacency is not strictly covered in the dynamics because it is not an active decision but the lack of decision/resilience. You could also detail more dynamics such as the Purple joining the Blue when something stabilises. I don’t think that we should talk about patterns of movement (this is Wardley Map language - different). [5.2] I don’t understand your comment - please edit if you see fit. [6] feel free to edit [7} yes Cynefin is more about the cognitive elements. Dynamics are achieved by experiments/learning. (Wardley maps offer another take on movement - compatible, not conflicting) [8] ?? [9] This is why I have included a table about the decision points. I think that it is worthwhile documenting the decisions points. Sometimes it just happens, but having some cognition and intentionality is always better. [10} decomposition / recomposition / exaptation is something Dave has been mentioning a lot in the aporetic turn (in other chats as well).

2 replies Last reply 9 days agoView thread

Philippe Guenet 12:08 PM I am also considering adding in there something about what may support the transition points (eg Scrum in alpha / entangled trios in Gamma / Ritual dissent in Shallow Dive into chaos / etc.



1 reply 9 days agoView thread

Cynefin 3 Points

Björn Schwenninger 9:48 AM Based on our kick-off session this morning I could image going forward like this regarding the method development for 3-Points: Copy the 4-Points entry from the wiki which is already filled to a certain extent, and start adjusting for 3-Points: make (optional) liminal divides and/or Clear-Complicated divide; variants for creation of data points in a workshop or (better) beforehand. And then go further to describing how to run the methoid asynchronously vs. synchronously. Any thoughts on this?

Pierre Andipatin 9:55 AM joined #cynefinthreepoints.

alistair.macdonald 10:15 AM Hello all.. here is the recording from this mornings first session: Wistia, Inc. The Cynefin Wiki - Cynefin three points 1 GALLERY VIEW



Philippe Guenet 9:58 PM 9:59 Also including as it is quite related

Greg Brougham 11:29 AM Add linear as this is also related -

Philippe Guenet 11:50 AM Linear Cynefin has a derivative, “Reverse Wardley”, now called “Options Relationship Mapping” (invented by Liz Keogh and Karl Scotland and included by Mike Burrows in Agendashift). It has an horizontal scale of ambiguity and a vertical scale of visibility to the customer (inherited from value chains in Wardley Maps). Should we look to make references to those as derivatives? (I know a thing or 2 about WM :slightly_smiling_face: ). Thoughts?

Björn Schwenninger 12:01 PM If "Options Relationship Mapping" is described somewhere we could reference it from the Wiki and describe an optional link with 3-Points/4-Points/Linear. As far as I can see from here ( it can be shared under Creative Commons. AgendashiftAgendashift | Mike Burrows Stringing it together with Reverse Wardley Update (November 2019): Over the months, the new exercise described here has served us incredibly well. With full credit to Liz and Karl, it’s a great addition to our workshops and I love it! The working title Reverse Wardley that I gave it is proving way too nerdy for some tastes though, and after several iterations we have settled on Option Relationship Mapping. I’ve also added a new tag ‘mapping‘ to this and related posts. A few weeks ago in #workshops in the Agendashift Slack, Karl Scotland posted this: Liz and I have just figured out how to use Wardley Mapping to create the Transformation Map. Muwahahaha. The basic idea is to take the FOTO outcomes that ge… Show more Pinned by Khurshid

alistair.macdonald 10:43 PM Hi all… here is the recording of the second session: Wistia, Inc. The Cynefin Wiki - Cynefin three points 2 GALLERY VIEW



Tom Kerwin 9:11 AM I had a chance to do a Cynefin three points session with a group of people I know from the product world, so am doing one at lunchtime today. My goal is to get a bit of practice in a safe-to-fail place, try this out remotely using the hexies in Mural, and generate some training data. Aiming to start by provoking some stories of decision and change points out of the group (I’m thinking look to the past day, week, month, quarter, year, with prompts from ASHE(R)N, and then once we’ve got something down, seek the exemplars and make the three-point map 9:12 I notice there are no dos and don’ts on the wiki page for three-point yet. Can you think of anything I should be aware of / watch out for?

Philippe Guenet 10:14 AM I would think that for approach it is fairly similar than 4 points except that the distinction Clear/Complicated happens only later in the process (as this is essentially a human & contextual overlay rather than a system characteristic). Another key element that Dave mentioned was to pay attention to the liminality and take time over the stage for the boundary objects. Aporetic and how aporetic plays a role in the dynamics is an important consideration here too. You can cover this well though the pink ribbon in 2 stages --> first you place the ribbon in relation to those that are clearly in the domain, --> then you look at the boundary objects and reposition the ribbon. For what remains in Confused, you can look at decomposition and distribution of the decomposed agents. Some may stay in aporetic.

Tom Kerwin 12:19 PM Lovely! Thanks @Philippe Guenet

Tom Kerwin 2:14 PM This was fascinating image.png image.png



17 replies Last reply 15 days agoView thread Pinned by Greg Brougham

Greg Brougham 10:17 AM And the three points page -





Luca 8:41 PM Drafted a process/method for dataset generation here. Applicable to Butterflies and possibly somewhere else. Feedback/ideas/herding welcome! PRJ_ComplexityWiki.png PRJ_ComplexityWiki.png



10 replies Last reply 14 days agoView thread

Tom Kerwin 3:32 PM I’ve collated the data I collected when I ran the three-points exercise on Friday. This data is quite “on the nose” rather than the metaphorical or fictional examples. It’s a bunch of decisions product designers needed to make. There are 90. Some are quite ambiguous / confusing, but maybe that’s good? I’ll add them to a thread off this.

4 replies Last reply 14 days agoView thread

Tom Kerwin 9:22 AM replied to a thread: I’ve collated the data I collected when I ran the three-points exercise on Friday. This data is quite “on the nose” rather than the metaphorical or fictional examples. It’s a bunch of decisions product designers needed to make. There are 90. Some are quite ambiguous / confusing, but maybe that’s good?… I’m thinking about repeating this exercise with some other designers to get another bundle of decision descriptions.



Iain_P 8:41 AM Removed post as put it in wrong group, apologies. (edited)

Luca 8:45 PM Re: I moved the discussion to a Wiki article, called "Training data-sets". If interested, please also read discussions on Talk page Luca Drafted a process/method for dataset generation here. Applicable to Butterflies and possibly somewhere else. Feedback/ideas/herding welcome! PRJ_ComplexityWiki.png PRJ_ComplexityWiki.png

Thread in #cynefinthreepoints | Mar 1st | View message



4 replies Last reply 8 days agoView thread Pinned by Greg Brougham

Greg Brougham 8:10 AM And the page link -



3 replies Last reply 7 days agoView thread

Greg Brougham 8:26 AM To help clarify the difference between training and exemplar kits I’ve dropped the standard ones from the mini-book on the exemplar page -

Iain_P 10:23 AM Has anyone looked at a data set for software development / business change? Am about to run this activity with Head of Digital and Business Owner.. have a Raci grid of activity as a starting list I'm going to rip apart.. but just floating this out there.

Tom Kerwin 10:27 AM I dropped a bunch of data in a thread for product decisions

Tom Kerwin 10:28 AM Ran with a bunch of folks from different businesses, prompting them to think about different types of product decision through using ASHEN and different timescales of decision from minutes to years



9 replies Last reply 7 days agoView thread

Tom Kerwin 11:37 AM replied to a thread: Ran with a bunch of folks from different businesses, prompting them to think about different types of product decision through using ASHEN and different timescales of decision from minutes to years Trimmed, edited and added :ballot_box_with_check: View newer replies

Greg Brougham 3:39 PM I’ve done some editing on to address a number of inconsistencies. I think there is some confusion between exemplars and data sets on the page - see the talk page



1 reply 6 days agoView thread

Decision / Knowledge Mapping Study Group

Elena Tochilina 4:09 PM was added to #decision-knowledgemapping-study-group by Corina Lupu. white_check_mark eyes raised_hands

Elena Tochilina 5:49 PM 1. The Purpose of Knowledge Mapping 2. Where it's applicable 3. What happens to an organisation where KM is a good practice 4. How do we practically use the method? Steps! 5. Who is in charge of KM? In-house experts / teams or outside consultants? 6. Case study (Story book?) You7:49 PM 7. Risks of not having DM (for DM wiki)



Colin Pinks:speech_balloon: 5:53 PM Just scribbled this. 12D1D02B-F01F-4D96-A551-B88AC6B2A0D6_1_201_a.heic 12D1D02B-F01F-4D96-A551-B88AC6B2A0D6_1_201_a.heic

Irina - cat herder 6:05 PM here is a blank mural -

Decision Mapping

alistair.macdonald 11:01 AM Link to todays first session: Wistia, Inc. The Cynefin Wiki- Decision Mapping: Knowledge Mapping 1 GALLERY VIEW



white_check_mark eyes raised_hands

Greg Spencer 6:07 PM OK - @David Snowden is encouraging us to drop Otter Transcripts as and when we can... so here's the one from this morning's session! Knowledge-Mapping-01(22-02-21) Mon, Feb 22, 2021 1:43 PM; Duration: 1:06:15 (25 kB) Speakers Dave Snowden; Keywords people, knowledge, wiki, methods, called, decision, put, create, articles, ibm, facilitation, plaster, cluster, problem, stories, tacit, sessions, book, happened, counterfactual;



Nourhan Badr El Din 6:08 PM Where is the night link

Greg Spencer 6:14 PM The second session is right now. It's being recorded... or jump on with this link: Meeting ID: 856 6303 4559 Passcode: Wiki2021

Nourhan Badr El Din 6:14 PM Thank you

Aine Carroll 6:53 PM was added to #decisionmapping by Arabela.

alistair.macdonald 10:17 PM Here is the second session: Wistia, Inc. The Cynefin Wiki- Decision Mapping: Knowledge Mapping 2 GALLERY VIEW



Aine Carroll 8:51 AM Hi all. In the office I have no problem now - how odd! Thank for all the info



Philippe Guenet 9:15 AM I was thinking about Decision mapping - and something is puzzling me that may have to do with dark constraints. I have worked in many organisations (especially banks but also startups) where people aim to follow process especially around Budget / Project planning. Huge amount of efforts goes into up-front analysis to build comfort into the plan. If the number that come out is “too big” based on the wish/gutfeel that people had about the spend, it goes into replanning, with nothing new learnt and rescoping what to go with. The reductions are arbitrary and generally foolish. The people that will do the work feel resigned to produce something they don’t believe in, frustrated of making things up with no new knowledge, yet go along with it. One time i turned to a team on a large project asking for their confidence in what they were planning. They all said, none whatsoever but were making decisions heading to a car crash. What I am wondering is how do we capture this in the Decision Mapping process. Those are Unknown Knowns. A lid is put on it and process followed, even if it is heading to a cliff. Execs are annoyed because people are not saying / People believe that the context is not allowing them to say. It does not feel to me like ASHEN is capturing this and I am wondering how we would capture the degree of Belief or to that matter Reserve/Reluctance at the point of decision. When people with the Skills & Experience have low Belief, you have to be worried. Thoughts?

49 replies Last reply 17 days agoView thread

Luca 1:55 PM Cat in search of his herder here :slightly_smiling_face:

1 reply 21 days agoView thread Pinned by Greg Brougham

Greg Brougham 2:37 PM For those that have not found it yet there is the decision mapping page - (edited)

Philippe Guenet 10:00 PM I believe that we should also consider ASHEN -



3 replies Last reply 20 days agoView thread

Philippe Guenet 11:44 AM At the risk of starting another big thread (of good discussions of course), I am wondering how far we should consider OODA loop here too and potentially include it as another reference. OODA = Observe --> Orient --> Decide --> Act I think that there is plenty in what has been covered to look at this linear process. What is more interesting about OODA is the feedback loop (double and triple) though. In a Complex landscape, your decisions are about unfolding the complexity and your choice of time horizons for orienting again depends on the speed of learning that you can generate. So, the decision does not matter as much as the feedback you get from it and no decision is actually final. When it becomes clearer it has most likely shifted Domain (complicated most likely or somewhat chaotic if it is becoming very urgent). So, I am wondering if we should have some consideration about shortly after the decision: if the decision was rigid how prepared for reading signals of unfolding complexity they were how prepared they were to reorient on what cycle of learning / orient were they working

9 replies Last reply 19 days agoView thread

David Snowden 12:34 PM PDF Knowledge Mapping.pdf 4 MB PDF4 MB — Click to view



1 reply 18 days agoView thread

Donna Glanvill 6:18 AM Does anyone have a transcript of the second session please? TIA

1 reply 14 days agoView thread

Greg Spencer 10:58 AM Raw Transcript. As ever, I am quite happy to give editing rights to anyone who ever wants to work these up into something more polished! Knowledge-Mapping-2 Wed, Mar 3, 2021 10:27 AM; Duration: 1:05:29 (25 kB) Keywords people, knowledge, methods, decision, wiki, mapping, called, create, heuristics, codify, process, question, ibm, plaster, put, problem, realised, point, projects, group;

Entangled Trios

Thanos Andreou 9:00 PM a decade ago: Physics WorldPhysics World Superconducting trio get entangled – Physics World Breakthrough could boost quantum error correction Sep 29th, 2010 (89 kB) white_check_mark eyes raised_hands

Tom Kerwin 11:31 AM An interesting read about brain plasticity and emergence:

alistair.macdonald 2:43 PM Hello all, here is the recording of session one: Wistia, Inc. The Cynefin Wiki - Entangled trios 1 GALLERY VIEW

alistair.macdonald 10:45 AM here is the second session: Wistia, Inc. The Cynefin Wiki - Entangled trios 2 GALLERY VIEW



Greg Spencer 6:07 PM Transcript - IIRC, this is of the second call... Entangled Trios 2 Mon, Mar 8, 2021 4:09 PM; Duration: 1:04:04 (25 kB) Speakers Dave Snowden; Keywords people, create, trio, system, roles, weak signal, formal, work, diaries, network, maker, informal networks, build, programme, big, problem, question, idea, connect, ibm;



Colin Pinks:speech_balloon: 7:35 PM set the channel topic: set the channel topic: Discussion to move from Slack to Wiki. Temp page for ideation:

Exaptive Triggers

Colin Pinks:speech_balloon: 12:46 PM Where can I get the NDA to participate in this one? white_check_mark eyes raised_hands

Khurshid 4:55 PM joined #exaptivetriggers along with 6 others.

alistair.macdonald 2:50 PM hello all.. here is the first session recording: Wistia, Inc. The Cynefin Wiki - Exaptive triggers 1 GALLLERY VIEW



alistair.macdonald 10:46 AM here is the second session: Wistia, Inc. The Cynefin Wiki - Exaptive triggers 2 GALLERY VIEW

Luca 1:45 PM Do we agree that "Exaptation" and "Radical repurposing" are synonims here?

2 replies Last reply 12 days agoView thread

Luca 9:16 PM For discussion... 2 questions: is the Exaptive triggers method related to the top-right quadrant only, or should the other quadrants be considered lesser variants of the same method? Would you describe other methods such as distributed ethnography as external (i.e. providing input sets) or nested submethods, within to Exaptive triggers? 2x2 matrix content to be improved, too: feedback welcome. (edited) PRJ_ComplexityWiki_DiscoveryIdeationMatrix.png PRJ_ComplexityWiki_DiscoveryIdeationMatrix.png

5 replies Last reply 8 days agoView thread

Donna Glanvill 11:08 AM Has anyone made transcripts of these sessions? TIA

1 reply 8 days agoView thread

Greg Spencer 1:59 PM The two transcripts: Exaptive Triggers 1 Mon, Mar 8, 2021 1:02 PM; Duration: 1:07:51 (25 kB) Speakers Greg S, Dave Snowden; Keywords people, create, problem, organisation, realise, abstraction, started, solutions, dyslexics, ideas, generalists, method, evolutionary, produce, change, links, startup, find, learn, innovation; Exaptive Triggers 2 Mon, Mar 8, 2021 12:57 PM; Duration: 1:00:25 (25 kB) Speakers Dave Snowden; Keywords people, ibm, problem, wiki, link, day, company, find, methods, point, process, stories, put, means, organisation, innovation, novelty, create, produce, ideas;



Arabela:cat-herder: 7:16 PM Thank you @Greg Spencer. Have included the 2 links in the temp page in the wiki.

Arabela:cat-herder: 7:20 PM set the channel topic: Discussion to move from Slack to Wiki. Temp page for ideation:



Arabela:cat-herder: 7:39 PM set the channel topic: Discussion to move from Slack to Wiki. Temp page for ideation:


alistair.macdonald 6:26 PM Hi all, Welcome! This is the channel for any general or practical questions.



white_check_mark eyes raised_hands

Gar Mac Críosta 6:43 PM joined #general along with 3 others. Pinned by Greg Brougham

David Snowden 11:58 PM How to use the wiki sessions set up at 0900 and 1700 GMT Monday 22nd both in Dave’s Zoom 250 600 4740 PW: Cynefin (edited)

+2 25 replies Last reply 22 days agoView thread

Naresh Datta 1:34 AM joined #general along with 4 others. Pinned by Greg Brougham

Greg Brougham 11:34 AM @here if you are not familiar with slack, worth a read - MediumMedium A Slack’s Engineer System to Using Slack Efficiently How to customize Slack so you get the notifications you need — when you need to get them Reading time 11 min read Jun 16th, 2020 (115 kB)*19kbyEO-ADCPKFEnqz8CHw.jpeg



4 replies Last reply 25 days agoView thread

Jagriti Kapoor 12:26 PM joined #general along with 6 others.

Conor O'Brien 7:11 AM Hi Gar.



uma 7:35 AM was added to #general by Simplexity.

Paweł Nowak (Nowy) 6:04 PM Hi, I am trying to enter Zoom meeting, but I am not sure if I have correct meeting ID: tel:2506004740 <-- is it valid?

Arabela:cat-herder: 6:07 PM For the Decision mapping/knowledge mapping?

Paweł Nowak (Nowy) 6:07 PM yes

Arabela:cat-herder: 6:09 PM Meeting ID 856 6303 4559

Paweł Nowak (Nowy) 6:10 PM Thank you! 6:10 and what is the passcode?

Tatiana -- cat herder:cat2: 6:11 PM Wiki2021 Are we recording the conversations?

Paweł Nowak (Nowy) 6:12 PM @Arabela @Tatiana -- cat herder thanks! Pinned by Greg Brougham

Greg Brougham 6:56 PM Invite for the slack - SlackSlack Join Cynefin Community on Slack Slack is a new way to communicate with your team. It’s faster, better organized, and more secure than email. (138 kB)

Paweł Nowak (Nowy) 7:01 PM Could you provide me with the meeting ID and passcode for the Constraint mapping?

Paweł Nowak (Nowy) 7:01 PM Sorry, I can't find these pieces of information on Eventbrite.

3 replies Last reply 22 days agoView thread

Greg Brougham 7:01 PM Will look to drop the constraint mapping channel - give me a minute

David Crowe 7:02 PM Go to the event page and follow the link

Tatiana -- cat herder:cat2: 7:02 PM 859 6479 7168 Wiki2021

Paweł Nowak (Nowy) 7:02 PM Thank you!

Elena Tochilina 9:05 AM Can I use this as well, or do we have individual IDs for the wiki? Tatiana -- cat herder 859 6479 7168 Wiki2021 Posted in #general | Feb 22nd | View message

2 replies Last reply 22 days agoView thread

Jagriti Kapoor 9:31 AM Hi all, is there a recording of the Cynefin Basecamp ?

3 replies Last reply 22 days agoView thread

alistair.macdonald 9:59 AM FYI - Recordings of each 2 x sessions are being made available in each channel a few hours after they are completed.







Naresh Datta 11:26 AM @alistair.macdonald, do we have on Cynefin Basecamp?

Donna Glanvill 11:27 AM There are no recordings of Basecamp, sorry - it's a full 12-hour programme over 4 sessions. You can find virtual BaseCamp events here:



uma 4:51 PM Not quite sure where to put this, so am sharing in this channel.. that the Glossary page currently seem to be about translations in other languages.. but for those lesser mortals like me, can we begin with a handy english meaning for such high sounding words like aporetic, exaptation etc.. ? In fact even what is a "decision" (in context) was something that came up as a question in one of the sessions.. (edited)



43 replies Last reply 17 days agoView thread Pinned by Colin Pinks

Manuela Schwenninger:black_cat: 6:27 PM Hi all, the cat herders have created a channel if you need help from us.

  1. i-need-help, please join it.

We are also about to create an FAQ where you can look up your question. But as long as we don't have the FAQ, please place your question in the #i-need-help channel (edited)



alistair.macdonald 9:44 AM More session recordings have gone up in #constraintmapping and #triopticon this morning.

Khurshid 1:03 PM Hi All, if you are looking for recordings of sessions on topics you can go and search the channel for the topic or the Cat Headers are posting links to the original posts in the channel #i-need-recordings. Hopefully this collection of links to original posts will be helpful for reviewing the conversations in the recordings. Please let us know if we can improve this or anything else by posting your feedback in #cat-herder-private-group channel.

2 replies Last reply 18 days agoView thread

uma 10:05 AM can someone send the link for the session now on Human sensor networks please? 10:07 is this session on Human networks happening now?

Elena Tochilina 10:09 AM

uma 10:10 AM thank you @Elena Tochilina

Philippe Guenet 10:19 AM I have created a channel about #wardley-maps as they have been mentioned a few times and it is very likely that they will figure in the Wiki.

Inger Heebøll Gemzøe 1:25 PM I created a channel called suggetion box where people can write suggestions and wished as how they would like to work on the different topics. - It is not so much a 'I-need-help' as a possibility to discuss how to approach. Hope it will be useful



1 reply 18 days agoView thread

Khurshid 1:45 PM replied to a thread: I created a channel called suggetion box where people can write suggestions and wished as how they would like to work on the different topics. - It is not so much a 'I-need-help' as a possibility to discuss how to approach. Hope it will be useful Good idea, I have one suggestion. When posting in this channel one should refer to the channel(s) suggestion is relevant to. #suggestionbox-how-to-collaborate-on-this





Colin Pinks:speech_balloon: 4:00 PM Is there a link for the 1600 session. Eventbrite is showing “Content not available yet”

8 replies Last reply 18 days agoView thread

Andre Ribeiro 5:05 PM Zoom link for 1700 session?

8 replies Last reply 17 days agoView thread

Tom Kerwin 10:12 AM Hexagonal stationery: With code iknowpurple you get 10% off, apparently Artefact Hex Limited Edition Run of 100 By popular demand, we've created a set of hexagonal Artefact Cards, measuring 100 x 90mm. The bumper box is the biggest we've ever made, with 78 cards split between our six standard colours (so there's 13 of each), in a glorious yellow box finished with GF Smith's Colorplan stock, accompanied



Khurshid 11:56 AM In few of the sessions Dave spoke about Cynefin Centre, the website for the centre has been launched The Cynefin CentreThe Cynefin Centre THE CYNEFIN FRAMEWORK® - The Cynefin Centre THE CYNEFIN® FRAMEWORK INTRODUCTION TO CYNEFIN® Cynefin, pronounced kuh-nev-in, is […] (159 kB) Est. reading time 2 minutes



Inger Heebøll Gemzøe 1:45 PM Anybody up for watching a session and subsequently diskussing the content in order to populate wikipedia and/or play around with ideas tomorrow (monday)?



+2 22 replies Last reply 15 days agoView thread

John Grant 2:01 PM The Wiki recently moved to At this early stage I thought I draw attention to a couple of problems with .io domains outlined in the attached post: There are two major problems with .io domains: The first is that the islands which should own the domain suffix, don’t, thanks to a wonderful piece of modern day British Imperialism. If you ever feel the need to donate to us, please give it to a more worthy cause. Secondly, there was a security issue with the .io domain. In 2017, a researcher managed to take control of four of the seven authoritative name servers for the .io domain. We accept that mistakes can happen, strong processes limit the chances of them happening, but they still can.



3 replies Last reply 13 days agoView thread

afahad 8:45 PM Just finished an Arabic translation of the Cynefin framework diagram. cynefin-framework-arabic.png cynefin-framework-arabic.png



5 replies Last reply 15 days agoView thread

uma 3:48 AM Adam Grant's "Think again" speaks of bringing more complexity in our debates (getting out of binary bias) and seeing the nuances that often get overlooked or seeking the shades of grey in the complex continuum.. Thoughts/comments on drawing similar cynefin parallels (metaphors, facilitation techniques)?

Khurshid 10:41 AM replied to a thread: Anybody up for watching a session and subsequently diskussing the content in order to populate wikipedia and/or play around with ideas tomorrow (monday)? Hi @Tatiana -- cat herder invite has been sent on the email you had provided on cat herders doc View newer replies

Ravi Joshi 7:10 PM Hi all - I will be offline for couple of weeks from Wednesday 3rd March due to surgery - but would like to suggest capturing discussion points from the sensemaking book and / or recent sessions to discuss / clarify. Please would you let me know if this is of interest and if so - what the topic areas would be for you? Thanks!!

Naresh Datta 7:20 PM @David Snowden, Is voluntary subscription to this community still open? If yes, are we allowed to add people who express interests?

Richard S 8:11 AM I can’t access today’s eventbrite session ?

1 reply 15 days agoView thread

Greg Spencer 8:12 AM Meeting ID: 899 6420 8933 Passcode: Wiki2021

Richard S 8:17 AM Thanks!

Bonnie Cheuk 6:21 PM I am not able to enter, it is pointing me to 8am session 6:22 Not sure anyone is on the zoom call now. I am trying to access the zoom event Entangled Trios 6pm GMT , but could get in

David Snowden 8:15 PM We’ve now come to the end of the initial briefings and I want to thank everyone for their involvement. Its meant long hours for me and a neglect of other tasks but the process and the conversations have been wonderfully energising! Now we move to codification so please set up additional sessions if people need them





William Bartlett 9:31 AM Hello all :wave: Thank you for allowing me to join. I am willing to learn and contribute. I work for Zenika in Nantes, France. I am bilingual :uk: :fr: , so I can also help out with translations.

4 replies Last reply 13 days agoView thread

William Bartlett 9:32 AM I don't currently have an account on the wiki. What is the process?

7 replies Last reply 12 days agoView thread

William Bartlett 9:32 AM Are there any other French speakers or people based in France? :fr: :baguette_bread: :wine_glass:

6 replies Last reply 12 days agoView thread

Luca 10:45 AM A few side thoughts on Methods and related concepts, grouped in one page. Feedback welcome! PRJ_ComplexityWiki_MethodConcept.png PRJ_ComplexityWiki_MethodConcept.png

5 replies Last reply 10 days agoView thread

Bonnie Cheuk 7:38 PM @David Snowden - I am not able to enter the wiki, can you help? Thanks! I enjoyed ALL the sessions!

Colin Pinks:speech_balloon: 7:52 PM We have set up a #i-need-wiki-help so do drop wiki specific queries in there. If you are experienced (even vaguely) in wiki, please do join to offer help and signposting. Many of us are learning, so sharing that learning journey would be useful. (the herders-of-cats :cat2:) (edited)



JosephBradley 1:26 AM @Bonnie Cheuk - you appear to have spelled improperly - try it without the "r"

Tom Kerwin 3:14 PM Seen in the wild:

A quick diversion on rhododendrons - The comedian who observed that it doesn’t sound like a flower, it sounds like a siege engine. "My liege, they have rhododendrons! All is lost!"

JosephBradley 3:15 PM possibly more cost effective than a trebuchet!



David Snowden 10:24 AM Thanks to everyone for the work todate - and especially for the illustrations on the Triopticon article. I just went through and made a series of minor changes. Mainly making sure that any new article was in the opening page directories and creating some new articles where material was referenced. A quick skim though those may be useful. (edited)





David Snowden 8:53 AM New wiki training/discussion sessions set up - as much about how the thing works as the technical aspects of how to edit. These can also be clinics for individual activities.





2 replies Last reply 7 days agoView thread Pinned by Arabela

David Snowden 8:54 AM 9th March 1700; 10th March 0800 & 1900; 11the March 0800 and 1900. All times GMT and in my Zoom 250 600 4740 PW: Cynefin

JosephBradley 4:58 PM Did I just arrive a day early?

Colin Pinks:speech_balloon: 5:03 PM


The cat-herders have been listening and supporting, and caught up with Dave on Friday. Here are some clarifications and next steps, after that session. First sprint - Field-Guide This is the first sprint is to get a wiki presence up ready for the hard copy release of the field-guide, in early April. The target being ‘something is better than nothing’, rather than perfection. The 3 stages are: 1. Start the wiki for each subject 2. Refine the style 3. Cognitive Edge to create external artefacts (more designed), using the knowledge accumulated in wiki, to support the release. Future sprints There is an intention to have further sprints on other focus areas, during the year, once the field-guide is released. Slack to Wiki In the next few weeks, the temporary Field-Guide Slack channels will be retired and hence the need to build the interaction/discussion in the wiki, rather than Slack is important. Communication can still occur in the Cynefin Community Slack channel. Principles Do get stuff into the wiki, now that the initial discovery is done. It’s better to do, than not do. Get it in the wiki, even if it is notes rather than fully organised. Ask for support, from the cat-herders or post in the various help channels. We are here to help. In addition, we have sensed some hesitation to publish, so to support the wiki building, we have adopted a few suggestions which will appear in the next few days More wiki Zoom sessions: to build confidence and answer questions (you will have seen Dave’s first note about this already) Create a mindmap of the pages that need completing: it can be a little difficult to get an overview view of the challenge, just by navigating the existing wiki alone. So, crearing an overview will make the challenge clearer and get a view of gaps that still need to be filled. Temporary wiki pages: Some people are editing the wiki (fabulous, well done and keep going) while there are also feelings of ‘not wanting to mess it up’. So much of the conversation is happening in the Slack channels. So we have suggested to create some temp wiki pages, so people can organise their thoughts and discussions, before then moving them over to the main pages. Hopefully these pages will appear in the next few days, to support this method and align with the mind map too. Hopefully, it’s a little clearer and gives you the reassurance to get your thoughts down, rather than wait. If you have any more thoughts or suggestions that will help your writing, then let the herders know or post in the help channels. Cat-Herders - Serving Cynefin cats everywhere

cat2: (edited)






David Snowden 5:04 PM Curating Cynefin Cats courageously & coherently (you can never have two many C words in complexity)











3 replies Last reply 8 days agoView thread

Iain_P 10:57 AM Is there space somewhere for a piece about the uses of abstraction when making sense of and managing in complex systems? e.g. Lifting up a level or decomposing down? Stuck on a project activity nitty gritty, reduce the granularity - shift up to higher levels of abstraction, then look for ways to recombine / beneficial patterns.. (edited)

3 replies Last reply 7 days agoView thread

JosephBradley 5:01 PM Is there a better link for the Wiki session?

Greg Brougham 5:02 PM with password Cynefin



Iain_P 7:07 AM Hi all, am looking at the principles, metaphors and checklists. Very few of Dave's stories on there and when I first started with Cynefin I found these very interesting / useful. Has anyone else started collating a list of them? I've got a few from the Online foundations I can write up, will dig out my notes.



2 replies Last reply 6 days agoView thread

David Snowden 7:55 AM Getting the metaphors and stories up would be good

WikiWORKFLOW 8:00 AM Wiki Q&A with Dave starting now! Password: Cynefin

Greg Brougham 10:55 AM @here I’ve added a suggestion/hint to the main page following the call yesterday to simplify page addition -> if constructing new page add the link for it to the existing page first to ensure it is not lost. When you then click on the link it will be created



uma 1:38 PM Yes that is a easy way to create a page. however keep in mind we need to adhere to templates as well :)

1 reply 6 days agoView thread

Irina - cat herder 6:01 PM Based on an discussion this morning I have started a Mural Board (not yet populated) that can hopefully prove useful in keeping track of the overall Wiki Contributions progress, and intentions to contribute - thank you @Philippe Guenet for the nudge -





4 replies Last reply 6 days agoView thread

Elena Tochilina 6:17 PM @Luca, could you resend us the sandbox link? please

9 replies Last reply 6 days agoView thread

Wiki HelpWORKFLOW 7:00 PM Wiki Q&A with Dave starting now! Password: Cynefin

Colin Pinks:speech_balloon: 8:05 PM Wiki edits Dave has established the working ‘temp’ pages to act as a bridge from Slack to Published wiki. Hopefully we can explore this more in the wiki calls tomorrow. 11the March 0800 and 1900. All times GMT and in Dave’s Zoom 250 600 4740 PW: Cynefin The feedback has been “We are further on than we thought” so I think that is a compliment to you all, so keep going. It’s looking good.



Iain_P 8:24 PM I've got a list of nearly 40 stories to start adding.. but I kind of dont want to start adding 40 pages without some input.. things like titles of the story.

6 replies Last reply 6 days agoView thread

Greg Spencer 10:24 PM I don't see any good way of getting what I want to save from this Slack channel before it gets closed.... but reading this piece, an Admin may be able to get something useful... Otherwise, I suspect it's a day's work archiving each sub-thread by hand!

Slack Help CenterSlack Help Center Export your workspace data With Slack, you can export data from your workspace or Enterprise Grid organisation. Depending on your subscription, you may have a few options for data exports: free Standard Plus Enterprise...

+1 13 replies Last reply 5 days agoView thread

Wiki HelpWORKFLOW 8:00 AM Wiki Q&A with Dave starting now! Passcode: Cynefin

Colin Pinks:speech_balloon: 9:06 AM To continue the thought, that we was having in the wiki session… The is a need for a number of ‘ways in’ to this, on a number of levels What is Cynefin and how do I get an introduction How does it relate/be appliced to certain areas What are the tools used for? and in our current posution… How can I know what needs to be created, so it is easy for me to contribute? The temp pages are a start and maybe we need a ‘map/steps’ to help people navigate, as it feels like there is still some ‘I don’t know, what I don’t know’ and ’I don’t know where to start” What do we need to make it easy and accessible for people to contribute? (edited)



2 replies Last reply 6 days agoView thread

Wiki HelpWORKFLOW 7:00 PM Wiki Q&A with Dave starting now! Passcode: Cynefin

Iain_P 8:14 PM No idea what the Mural kanban was intended for, but I've loaded the wiki headers onto it..



8:14 Cynefin Wiki 'Kanban' Board (953 B)

Oskar Kaminski 8:17 PM Who can help me to create an account on the

8 replies Last reply 5 days agoView thread

Davina Burgess 5:31 AM Landing page, glossary/definition and Wiki architecture ideas: @Colin Pinks and @Greg Spencer and anyone else interested in a chat around initial thoughts? (edited)



+3 39 replies Last reply 1 day agoView thread

Colin Pinks:speech_balloon: 9:52 AM replied to a thread: Landing page, glossary/definition and Wiki architecture ideas: @Colin Pinks and @Greg Spencer and anyone else interested in a chat around initial thoughts? Agree with lots of points. Building a mind map to surface all the pieces, to help us all understand and fill in the pages for the essential first deadline (field guide publish) and then building journeys through that for personas feels like an interesting challenge.





View newer replies

Richard S 10:44 AM Hello all. I attended David's talks recently and I'm keen to contribute to the wiki. Who needs some help?

Richard S 10:47 AM I'm new into the mural and it seems to be just sticky notes. Can we add some lines to show how things are grouped/decomposed? There are implied connections but it's not explicit. Davina Burgess I feel we are getting to a point where it would be helpful for anyone interested to collectively play with the mural board and try ro establish patterns ans connections and discuss what typologies which may not have been captured etc and elements therein... It will be messy as there is no right way forward here, but i feel doinf this together would at least encourage group understanding of the task, where we are at and potential ways forward... Whaddya thunk folks? From a thread in #constraintmapping | Mar 5th | View reply



4 replies Last reply 4 days agoView thread Pinned by Colin Pinks

Colin Pinks:speech_balloon: 11:11 AM


A reminder…. something for the weekend :-) This specific Slack community will start to wind up in the next few days. So we need to transition to other channels. Suggestions… For content and wiki page building - Then do move to the wiki. ‘Temp’ pages have been established, which can be a staging post, prior to adding to the actual wiki page, if that gives you comfort. As well as the Discussion part of each actual page. The temp pages can be found below. If you want to harvest material from the Slack before it is gone, then that is the first location to consider. Conversation and organisation - do move over to There is a field-guide channel there or I’m sure we can create another channel for field-guide-wiki if required. If you do not have a login, please shout and invites can be sent to join.



+2 10 replies Last reply 1 day agoView thread

Iain_P 6:01 PM Hi, just checking, when does this channel get shut down? Also, how long is there left to get content on the wiki before switch to polishing what exists at that point?

2 replies Last reply 2 days agoView thread

David Snowden 6:11 PM I’ve asked Ally to check with the cat herders Wednesday with a view closing it down. End March for your other point leaving the first week in April to polish (edited)



7 replies Last reply 1 day agoView thread

Greg Spencer 8:57 AM Does anyone know how to give us responsive blocks on the homepage / landing pages? So they default to two columns but render in one column for folk squinting at mobile devices? Wikidata appears to have cracked it. Can we import their template and adapt from that? See

1 reply 1 day agoView thread

DariusG 8:13 PM Hi @Colin Pinks I would appreciate access to the

2 replies Last reply 1 day agoView thread

Human Sensor Networks (Internal)

uma 12:32 PM hi folks.. could people share some notes of the session today.. while I could gather an overall understanding with some anecdotals and principles of these human networks, I am yet to visualize them with respect to information on the wiki.. I am sure practitioners would have a different view here.. thoughts / comments? white_check_mark eyes raised_hands

alistair.macdonald 3:53 PM hello all: here are is todays morning session recording: Wistia, Inc. The Cynefin Wiki - Human sensor networks - internal to the organisation:public & external 1 GALLERY VIEW



Colin Pinks:speech_balloon: 3:59 PM Is there a link for the 1600 session. Eventbrite is showing “Content not avaiable yet”

Greg Spencer 6:10 PM Raw transcript of the first recording... The Cynefin Wiki - Human sensor networks - 01 Fri, Feb 26, 2021 5:24 PM; Duration: 1:07:54 (25 kB) Keywords people, stories, problem, thinking, create, sensor networks, company, big, purpose, network, called, work, mission statement, executives, put, journalists, part, employees, realise, system;



alistair.macdonald 10:09 PM here is the recording of the second session: Wistia, Inc. The Cynefin Wiki - Human sensor networks - internal to the organisation:public & external 2 GALLERY VIEW



Human Sensor Networks (External)

alistair.macdonald 3:52 PM Hi all see todays morning session: (edited) Wistia, Inc. The Cynefin Wiki - Human sensor networks - internal to the organisation:public & external 1 GALLERY VIEW

MauricioNunez 5:09 PM joined #hsnpublicexternal.

alistair.macdonald 10:09 PM here is the recording of the second session: Wistia, Inc. The Cynefin Wiki - Human sensor networks - internal to the organisation:public & external 2 GALLERY VIEW

I Need Help

Manuela Schwenninger:black_cat: 6:19 PM joined #i-need-help. white_check_mark eyes raised_hands

Manuela Schwenninger:black_cat: 6:20 PM set the channel description: If you need general help, please use this channel to place your question here. This channel it's maintained by the group of cat herders.

Colin Pinks:speech_balloon: 6:25 PM joined #i-need-help along with 18 others.

uma 2:23 PM Hi folks Thanks for being here.. here's my help request I am not an expert.. just a learner. I am wondering how I could possibly contribute as a learner to this initiative. Really look forward to your thoughts and ideas (edited)

Inger Heebøll Gemzøe 4:16 PM Hi Uma - I've also been wonderung about how to work with the material eg. The 3 point method. I was wondering if it could be approached like an innovative project and some people could form a team whete the method is discussed and some possible models are generated?



uma 4:23 PM Yes @Inger Heebøll Gemzøe such team sign-ups for methods would be interesting and helpful. Could you expand on what you mean by models here?

Inger Heebøll Gemzøe 4:29 PM From what I got (and possiby misunderstood) Dave would like to have the usual 4 point method expanded upon. See if is possible to create a 3 point method (because the division of the ordered domain is really artificial). He expressed that it might be adventatious to start by explaining the confused domain. 4:32 I guess it is a live-as-you-preach approach. So let's consider the formulation a complex matter, form groups and several work on concepts and methods. Probe so to speak



Colin Pinks:speech_balloon: 4:38 PM @uma @Inger Heebøll Gemzøe My suggestion would be to ask for collaborators and build the base discussion (as you are doing) in the #cynefinthreepoints channel too, to build a mini working group and then populate a page. Build that probe. :cat2: (edited)



Inger Heebøll Gemzøe 4:42 PM Good idea Colin :grinning:. I am going ack and forth between computer and family vacation. Have not seen enouh of the sessions to boldly invite. However, if someone (else) has the overview to take the initiative Im totally game for group initiatives

Colin Pinks:speech_balloon: 4:48 PM Be brave and ask. I’m sure people will begin to flock together :-) We are all learning and wanting to share, so asking and giving help are both part of the adventure.

Inger Heebøll Gemzøe 4:56 PM "Miau" - any cat herders about?

5 replies Last reply 19 days agoView thread

Colin Pinks:speech_balloon: 5:00 PM I’m a herder



1 reply 19 days agoView thread

Inger Heebøll Gemzøe 5:18 PM Tell you what Colin. I don't mind taking the initiative monday when we are back from vacation if that's not too late.

Arabela:cat-herder: 6:07 PM set the channel topic: If you need general help, please use this channel to place your question here. This channel it's maintained by the cat herders.

Obhi Chatterjee 6:15 PM Should I have received login credentials for the wiki already? Or should I wait to receive them after having attended the training sessions this week and next?



3 replies Last reply 19 days agoView thread

Adrian Duke 6:54 PM I’ve come over from the complexity slack, looking to help contribute towards the wiki by means of cleanup (spelling, linking, making sure articles adhere to templates… etc), wondering if there is a co-ordinated effort? I was told by the cat herders that @Anna might be that person? If there isn’t I’ll keep on keeping-on where I see issues

1 reply 19 days agoView thread

Inger Heebøll Gemzøe 1:00 PM Would it be possible to create a channel or site where all the recordings of sessions could be placed? I would really like to be able to see in overview if I have already watched a session or not, and make sure I see sessions from every topic line

3 replies Last reply 18 days agoView thread

Colin Pinks:speech_balloon: 1:06 PM replied to a thread: Would it be possible to create a channel or site where all the recordings of sessions could be placed? I would really like to be able to see in overview if I have already watched a session or not, and make sure I see sessions from every topic line Already exists @Inger Heebøll Gemzøe. #i-need-recordings


View newer replies

Colin Pinks:speech_balloon: 4:01 PM Is there a link for the 1600 session. Eventbrite is showing “Content not available yet”

3 replies Last reply 18 days agoView thread

Elena Tochilina 7:01 PM Could someone send a link to the Crews session starting now (1900)? please - event brite showing Content not available yet (edited)






Martin O'Brien 12:07 AM Hi, relative newbie here as well. Am still trying to get a log in (have emailed Dave). Really keen to collaborate where possible

Khurshid 1:10 AM Hi Martin, if you have emailed Dave then check spam folder. the email is not going to from dave’s email account but from and subject most like should read like “Account creation for”

1 reply 14 days agoView thread

Mario López de Ávila Muñoz 8:49 AM Dear herders, I am still without access to the Wiki. And yes, I have asked Dave, and it seems he tried, but I have not received any mail with credentials or the like (yes, I have checked the spam folder). Can anybody here help me? I really appreciate any help you can provide.

Colin Pinks:speech_balloon: 8:51 AM I think he has a backlog AND is now getting @alistair.macdonald to admin too, so hopefully keep trying

Mario López de Ávila Muñoz 9:04 AM Thank you, Colin. I'll try with @alistair.macdonald later :slightly_smiling_face:

kitt 10:09 AM One way to check if an ID has been created is to keep an eye on the new user log. All new IDs come up in there. (edited)

Iain_P 9:25 PM Hi, I'm keen to help but I've come at this a few times now, on wiki and now on here and I still don't know to start to help or what's wanted (expectations). I get the wiki instructions (i.e. Start here), clearly will watch the videos next. But I don't know whether groups are now all formed. Do I just join in a conversation in a channel or put a subject I'd like to work on and look for people to join me? If someone can point me in a direction would be much appreciated.. #feelinglikeacat

5 replies Last reply 13 days agoView thread

Khurshid 9:38 PM replied to a thread: Hi, I'm keen to help but I've come at this a few times now, on wiki and now on here and I still don't know to start to help or what's wanted (expectations). I get the wiki instructions (i.e. Start here), clearly will watch the videos next. But I don't know whether groups are now all formed. Do I just join in a conversation in a channel or put a subject I'd like to work on and look for people to join me? If someone can point me in a direction would be much appreciated.. #feelinglikeacat Hi Iain, we have a small enough group #three-pointed-study-group with members @Corina Lupu @Inger Heebøll Gemzøe @Tatiana -- cat herder @uma and myself, we are varying levels of proficiency with wiki; I myself has just began and the topic we are starting with is #cynefinthreepoints; which we have discussed few time and now reading field guide to get ourselves oriented. I am part of @catherders and am facilitating group meeting etc. Let us know if you would like to join us, other groups will be welcoming also.





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alistair.macdonald 9:38 PM was added to #i-need-help by Khurshid, along with afahad.

Iain_P 9:43 PM Hi Khurshid, thanks and much appreciated, more than happy to join in and lend a hand on this. :)

Iain_P 7:44 AM Hi again, are there constraints on the conversation threads? Ie. Channels? So a thread for instance on things like.. Synthesis of elements, or linking the channels, resilience, collating useful metaphors and analogies, strategy / strategic thinking,

5 replies Last reply 12 days agoView thread

Khurshid 10:55 AM replied to a thread: Hi again, are there constraints on the conversation threads? Ie. Channels? … Hi @Iain_P as part of cat-herders @Davina Burgess has started a similar conversation you are welcome to discussion. Let’s create a channel to thread this conversation so we start the process.



View newer replies

Iain_P 8:40 AM Hi, Would be good to check, I've posted in a few channels in slack so far. Is this ok? IE. Should / Must I keep to one or two and not work across multiple? (Don't want to break any boundaries that have been set) (edited)

Manuela Schwenninger:black_cat: 10:10 AM Hi Iain, its ok to post in multiple slack channels if the topic belongs to their group. Content should be developed in the wiki , Dave will offer a structure next week to kick it off.



Iain_P 7:34 AM Can someone help me with how to add the stories to the metaphors page? Ie. Add the Page Title and the page itself. Then I'll use (ie. Copy) the children's party or one of the other stories as a starting point..

32 replies Last reply 5 days agoView thread

Paweł Nowak (Nowy) 7:04 AM Hello, could you give me Wiki credentials? -> I haven't received them yet. (edited)

3 replies Last reply 5 days agoView thread

Colin Pinks:speech_balloon: 7:36 AM @Paweł Nowak (Nowy) Drop a note to Dave or Alastair directly, as they give wiki entry

1 reply 5 days agoView thread

Knowledge Mapping

Pinned by Simplexity

David Snowden 10:08 AM Copy the link below to share this recording with viewers: vCaYa79* white_check_mark eyes raised_hands

alistair.macdonald 11:01 AM Link to todays first session: Wistia, Inc. The Cynefin Wiki- Decision Mapping: Knowledge Mapping 1 GALLERY VIEW



Khurshid 4:54 PM joined #knowledgemapping along with 4 others.

Titia Nijeboer 7:02 PM Hi everyone, love to contribute to the Knowledge mapping! I am not very confident in editing wikis, so first I will nose around a bit , but would love to have someone experienced with wikis nose around with me!

4 replies Last reply 21 days agoView thread

Philippe Guenet 7:08 PM joined #knowledgemapping.

Greg Spencer 7:36 PM Here's an auto-generated transcript of the first session: Knowledge-Mapping-01(22-02-21) Mon, Feb 22, 2021 1:43 PM; Duration: 1:06:15 (25 kB) Speakers Dave Snowden; Keywords people, knowledge, wiki, methods, called, decision, put, create, articles, ibm, facilitation, plaster, cluster, problem, stories, tacit, sessions, book, happened, counterfactual;



alistair.macdonald 10:18 PM Here is the second session: Wistia, Inc. The Cynefin Wiki- Decision Mapping: Knowledge Mapping 2 GALLERY VIEW

Pinned by Greg Brougham

Greg Brougham 3:17 PM And the knowledge mapping page exists as a stub -

Mike Haber 3:19 PM replied to a thread: Hi everyone, love to contribute to the Knowledge mapping! I am not very confident in editing wikis, so first I will nose around a bit , but would love to have someone experienced with wikis nose around with me! I’ve done a few edits - I’d be happy to help over a screen share.



View newer replies

Mike Haber 8:37 AM I’ve started drawing up the notes I made. I do this to learn and make sense myself, they may be useful to others.



6 replies Last reply 21 days agoView thread

David Snowden 11:20 AM have loaded slide set to decision mapping

3 replies Last reply 20 days agoView thread

uma 12:17 PM I just added the list of these methods to KM I would like to invite people to discuss about each of these topics - Alternative Histories, Counter factual data, Decisions Diary, Lesson Learned Journals here..

8 replies Last reply 8 days agoView thread

Corina Lupu 5:03 PM Is there already a group around decision/knowledge mapping? And if not, are there people interested in working on that? (edited)



+4 16 replies Last reply 7 days agoView thread

Managing and Monitoring Lists

Donna Glanvill 7:58 AM - a fairly recent blog with a set of emerging lists...

Khurshid 8:04 AM There is supposed to be a session happening right now but the join button isn’t enabled. Is anyone else having the same issues

Donna Glanvill 8:04 AM Join at ID 88369016303 password Wiki2021

2 replies Last reply 19 days agoView thread

Greg Spencer 8:44 AM The whole "identity" side should probably be linked to Agnes Callard's work on aspiration as it links in a sense of "becoming" - another situation in which terms like "emergence" might get abused. "Becoming" generally trumps any sense of identity in relation to immediate ambitions as the latter merely reflect our immediate sense of how we are expected to show up in whatever is unfolding. Key thing: the "becoming" identity might be comparatively ambiguous but as it is linked to the gaze and/or judgments we are coming to value most strongly...

Boundless: Beyond The Default PathBoundless: Beyond The Default Path Aspiration, Meaning, & The Traps of Ambition (A Book Review of Agnes Callard's Aspiration) Book review on Agnes Callard's "Aspiration" about the philosophical role of aspiration and becoming in a meaningful and good life Written by Paul Millerd Est. reading time 14 minutes Oct 26th, 2020 (92 kB) Pinned by Mario López de Ávila Muñoz

alistair.macdonald 11:40 AM hello all.. here is the recording of todays session: Wistia, Inc. The Cynefin Wiki - Managing and monitoring lists 1 GALLERY VIEW



alistair.macdonald 10:21 PM hello all.. here is the second session recording: Wistia, Inc. The Cynefin Wiki - Managing and monitoring lists 2 GALLERY VIEW

The Aporetic Turn

alistair.macdonald 2:33 PM joined #theaporeticturn. white_check_mark eyes raised_hands

alistair.macdonald 2:41 PM renamed the channel from “random” to “theaporeticturn”

Donna Glanvill 3:00 PM joined #theaporeticturn along with 17 others.

Donna Glanvill 6:41 AM set the channel description: Re-aligned to focus on the aporetic turn...

Mike Haber 6:43 AM was added to #theaporeticturn by Donna Glanvill.

Donna Glanvill 6:45 AM


alistair.macdonald 2:44 PM joined #triopticon along with 17 others. white_check_mark eyes raised_hands

Pinned by Elena Tochilina

Elena Tochilina 7:50 PM Pinned by Elena Tochilina

Elena Tochilina 8:38 PM Triopticon (From 'get the Wiki populated' file that Dave sent to all of us) The method has now been run and refined several times and the process is pretty clear so can be taught. However it needs documenting and we also need to create multiple artefacts (some as yet unidentified) to make the process easier This includes a full animation and voice over of the process This method development will also include setting up, staging and recording several beta test conflict resolution versions of the Triopticon to run during March Material comparing and contrasting the Triopticon with other group facilitation techniques will be needed Additional or ongoing developments after core is complete This is a major method and will spawn others along with early stage credentialed offers to run the process so we are also looking to build consultancy capacity for the role out through this process. Qualifications & specific needs Participation in a past tripticon is useful but not essential - fresh eyes are needed. Experience of (and possibly frustration with) facilitation techniques useful as is some background in peace and conflict work where literature searches and publications will be needed (although not all involved have to do this)

red_circle: URGENT and critical need for animation here


Khurshid 10:52 PM joined #triopticon along with vikram r.

alistair.macdonald 9:41 AM hello all: Here is the recording from this morning: Wistia, Inc. The Cynefin Wiki - Triopticon 1 GALLERY VIEW

Colin Pinks:speech_balloon: 7:06 PM Do start to self-organise, build groups and share those groups and say what you are working on. If you need help then do shout out to the herders in #i-need-help or if you have questions in content, then shout and we’ll start to build queries and additional time with Dave. A Cat Herder :slightly_smiling_face:

Greg Spencer 7:08 PM 1st session transcript... raw form from Otter: Triopticon Thu, Feb 25, 2021 6:21 PM; Duration: 1:09:22 (25 kB) Keywords people, groups, raven, eagles, conflict, experts, process, role, observe, facilitation, method, operatic, keynotes, session, field, problem, question, dominant, walk, called;



Colin Pinks:speech_balloon: 7:36 PM Thought of this character style, though obviously not up to this TV level of production (edited) 5t6kgQJHK8yI7L90uBUgDqPVOaI.jpg 5t6kgQJHK8yI7L90uBUgDqPVOaI.jpg



Colin Pinks:speech_balloon: 8:08 PM Do start to self-organise, build groups and share those groups and say what you are working on. If you need help then do shout out to the herders in #i-need-help or if you have questions in content, then shout and we’ll start to build queries and additional time with Dave. A Cat Herder :slightly_smiling_face:

alistair.macdonald 11:26 PM hello is the recording of the second session: Wistia, Inc. The Cynefin Wiki - Triopticon 2 GALLERY VIEW

Paweł Nowak (Nowy) 11:55 AM @here Hello :slightly_smiling_face: I will start to storyboard the animation to provide an overview of the Triopticon process.





Nazanin Jenkin 9:57 PM Hi Folks Esmee Wilcox (UK based) and I (NZ based) plan to start working together via Zoom on trying to articulate the facilitator role in the process. Our first session is provisionally scheduled for Friday, 5 March 7am GMT/ 8pm NZDT. If this is of interest and you want to be part of this discussion - email me and I'll send you the zoom invite. Cheers, Nazanin (edited)



10 replies Last reply 15 days agoView thread

Colin Pinks:speech_balloon: 1:51 PM I’ve started a flat visual, that could end up as an info graphic, that can be shared in due course and live on the wiki. First in Powerpoint, as I’m not a designer, but something to grow from. @Paweł Nowak (Nowy) - worth a chat to align?





2 replies Last reply 15 days agoView thread

Colin Pinks:speech_balloon: 7:54 PM I have created a visual of the Triopticon facilitation, as a starting point. More diagrammatical than narrative. However, this might be a start for confirming understanding, before making anything more design led. It is currently a collection of slides, brought together as an info graphic style canvas. I have included a ‘Prologue’ as I imagined that there would be some ‘scene setting’ required for a group, so wanted to keep with the play analogy. Do we need an epilogue too? Thoughts/feedback welcome. (edited) PDF Triopticon - Infographic.pdf 4 MB PDF4 MB — Click to view







4 replies Last reply 12 days agoView thread

Paweł Nowak (Nowy) 8:39 PM @Colin Pinks great piece of work!

Paweł Nowak (Nowy) 8:42 PM I have 2 general observations about Triopticon: there are no strict rules about timing - how long each scenes and acts should take, which roles are required and which are optional - there may be cases where there will be not enough people to fill all roles (maybe some participants can take more than 1 role). (edited)

1 reply 15 days agoView thread

Colin Pinks:speech_balloon: 12:44 AM replied to a thread: I have 2 general observations about Triopticon:… Timing - I did sketch/guess a timing plan, based on the scenario we did on the retreat with Dave in October, so will push that out tomorrow. I think that can be part of the discussion on Friday. 2. People/Roles - At this stage, I would imagine most of the roles identified in my sketch will be utilised in some form. The only exception might be Coyotte, which could be dropped if you couldn’t find the right people of have limited numbers. Magpies might be an optional, but once we got a shape, these would be good questions to pose to Dave and others for their perspective as they have run the sessions already.



Davina Burgess 10:30 AM I am wondering how fixed the names are... eg at present the mere mortals are Ravens then Beavers then, as I recall, there is no archetype for the final phase... I have been playing with ideas and my favourite at present is Bats (rather than Ravens: big ears and collective term is cauldrons, which amuses me, so Bats would go into their cauldrons to discuss Eagle input)... keep Beavers (eager and constructing frameworks for future endeavour) then finally Bees, working together to create the sweet stuff... This would mean participants can always be signified by the letter B (yes, I now have a Sesame Street voice in my head, which I am trying to resist) which might come in handy... (edited) This file was deleted.



1 reply 14 days agoView thread

Colin Pinks:speech_balloon: 1:57 PM Here is v2 of the visual I have added an Epilogue suggestion as well as Prologue, for discussion. Magpies now added Timing schedule - I’ve added a suggested 2 day schedule (p9), based on a sketchy memory of timings for the Acts we did at the retreat in October (e.g. Scene 1 - 40/10/10). This was a virtual session, held over shorter days rather than in person. This is only a suggestion, for it to be discussed/edited/mashed up for different instances. I’ve left as slides in a pdf. When opened in a pdf reader, has a similar infographic effect. PDF Triopticon - Visual v2 - 2 Mar 21.pdf 3 MB PDF3 MB — Click to view







Colin Pinks:speech_balloon: 2:07 PM I’m going to start integrating the images into the page, so it fits with the dialogue. I’ll start doing this on my own page, as a sandbox, then transfer to Triopticon page, when it’s stable.



2:07 If you want to see work in progress, look here



Paweł Nowak (Nowy) 7:48 PM Hello, we had great conversation with @Colin Pinks today :slightly_smiling_face: We will post the summary of our meeting soon. Right now I would like to share with you early draft of the storyboard for the animation. Please don't look at the design, it is just a conceptual sketch :wink: The idea is to give some useful advices on how to plan, run and facilitate the Triopticon workshop. It is not finished, but good enough to progress with the discussion and gather some feedback. Looking forward to your ideas and comments :slightly_smiling_face: PDF triopticon_storyboard_03_03_2021_pnowak.pdf 193 kB PDF193 kB — Click to view





1 reply 13 days agoView thread

Colin Pinks:speech_balloon: 4:23 PM This is what emerged from our conversation, which might feed into the chat on Friday… Description Build a clear value description of the method, so it is clear to new people. Possibly a comparison to other similar methods. Mechanics Build clarity on how the audience is divided up, their roles and where they are drawn from Are Owls drawn from audience or are they purely facilitator team members? What are the qualities / diversity required in selecting/sourcing Eagles? Case Studies Building examples would be helpful to illustrate including Initial purpose of the workshop Questions asked/stimulation made at each stage Outputs and activities that resulted Numbers involved Challenges Implementation Timing for in person? Timing for virtual? Team required to facilitate? Outputs Visual schematic v1 done and added to Wiki page - Complete [Colin] Further iterate after collaboration call (Friday) Infographic Once outline completed, add some design to create a produced output Video Storyboard started [Pawel] Once outline completed, then shoot and voiceover (Could use animation or maybe moving counters on a table to illustrate) Workbook?? Could produce a workbook, once outline is done in wiki Hopefully food for thought. (edited)



Nazanin Jenkin 6:18 PM Hi folks - thanks for getting this conversation started @Colin Pinks and @Paweł Nowak (Nowy) . Very useful. Let's talk more on zoom today and explore these ideas further. If you haven't yet, it would be useful to listen to Dave's sessions from last week - lots on timing and 'role' names/using birds as archetypes in those. I have to do some brushing up on legend stories, but my early take is that the archetype reflects the expected/anticipated behaviour and the environment set-up/process supports that (makes it easier for them to do what you want). I'd like to use a good portion of our first gathering together to explore the idea of 'complex' facilitation and in particular the role of the facilitator. I think this would be very valuable for setting expectations both from a delivery perspective and participant perspective. At some point, I'd also be interested to explore potential variations in countries where our own indigenous legends and cultures provide possible archetypes, which would probably be more relevant in the context and better understood/easier to work with in that context. And, a word of will be 8pm NZ time when we talk and I, along with many across the country, have pretty much been awake since 3am following a 7.1 earthquake on the east coast!!!! Everyone ok, but a jolly good shake.



1 reply 12 days agoView thread

Colin Pinks:speech_balloon: 8:34 PM replied to a thread: I have created a visual of the Triopticon facilitation, as a starting point. More diagrammatical than narrative. However, this might be a start for confirming understanding, before making anything more design led.… @Nazanin Jenkin Building on your ‘guide’ observation... I’ve just watched Triopticon 1 (as I was in session 2) and noted the chat around “What do we call the facilitator?” near the end. This in some ways plays into the ‘Guide’ naming (rather by chance) as it feels like it is about setting the correct conditions and guiding people through the structure of the process for the dialogues, without managing the conversation, as is often the case with certain flavours of facilitation. Though it sounds like Dave has acted as an Eagle ‘stimulator’ in the past, to catalyse the inter Eagle interaction and as overall event host. From memory, this felt like his role in the virtual retreat I attended last October on semiotics. So, working out the role def without Dave will be an interesting exploration in the building and definition we can do.



Nazanin Jenkin 9:49 PM These might help us with the discussion... and Chris CorriganChris Corrigan What I know about “complex facilitation” In this blog post, I’m going to lift the lid on the core of my facilitation practice. I specialize in complex facilitation for addressing complex issues and this requires a special approach t… Oct 25th, 2019 (252 kB)





Colin Pinks:speech_balloon: 10:50 AM I have started the question list, as suggested this morning. This can then prompt answers, which can be used to build the wiki and other artefacts that will help us build. G Suite Document Triopticon - Questions Document from Google DriveClick to open in Google Drive



2 replies Last reply 6 days agoView thread

Paweł Nowak (Nowy) 7:41 AM Hello, what do you think about running some interviews or surveys among people who participated in Triopticon workshop in any role? I think that we could discover some interesting insights:) (edited)

Mike Haber 6:44 PM I made a load a drawings reviewing this - in thread. (edited)





1 reply 10 days agoView thread

Nazanin Jenkin 3:06 AM found this simple animation for open space and wondering if anyone here has the skills to move @Colin Pinks and @Mike Haber’s drawings into something like this? YouTubeYouTube | Inspect & Adapt Ltd How to Facilitate an Open Space Session

5 replies Last reply 5 days agoView thread

Colin Pinks:speech_balloon: 10:15 PM Just had a thought that we could try and do a micro triopticin tomorrow morning in the meeting just to run through the interactions. I’ve suggested to Davina to speak as eagle 1, so we can run through one rotation. We’ll see who turns up and make it up from there.



Nazanin Jenkin 1:13 AM This was actually @kitt's suggestion last week and after some discussion we agreed to use today's session to review the questions on the google page and populate the wiki from that. Maybe you could organise this for another time?



For Future Sprints

Situational Assessment

Why use Constraint Mapping? It is an alternative to situational assessment (which is based on how people have already decided to act).</quote>

There's a key point here... but in writing things up, we really need to find another way of making that point.

I don't doubt that the point was being made that way in good faith, based on taking situational assessment in that way... but I would contend that in the wider world, situation assessment is something way bigger than that suggests.

First thing I opened from page one of a Google search:

A situational assessment is a systematic process to gather, analyze, synthesize and communicate data to inform planning decisions. Information from a situational assessment can be used to inform the goals, objectives, target audiences and activities of a health promotion strategy

Second thing I opened talked of gathering background information to identify the issue & extent of it... and then we have @Sonja Blignaut’s recent piece... which uses the phrase, quite reasonably, to refer to a process which would encompass constraint mapping:

Sonja's initial Situational Assessment encompasses traditional constraints:

  1. Mapping the intention that constraints or frames: the vector for instincts around long term direction of travel;
  2. Extrinsic Functional Limits: constraints that we have little control over - laws, topography, enduring taboos;
  3. Coherence/Identity: the messy coherence of constraints reflecting our priorities & values - reflecting how we are prepared to "show up" with/among others;
  4. Scope of Agency / Degrees of Freedom: perhaps best conceived as pressures towards entrained patterns of behaviour;

Her Situational Assesment then considers constraints we can more actively manipulate:

  1. Coordination within the system: rhythms and cadences plus heuristics to frame autonomy & adaptation;
  2. Maintaining requisite diversity of perspective (the heterogeneity needed to catalyse creativity);
  3. Requisite inefficiency or slack: the enabling constraint of an organisation able to slow down when it must;
  4. Connectivity & entanglement: trust and knowledge flows, especially through informal social networks;
  5. Flows of tangible resources (cash, information) but also intangible flows of value, authority, energy, ideas;
  6. Curiosity and the ability to see and make use of affordances (we might say wayfinding ability, or skills-base);
  7. Distributing of decision-making and authority to enable responsiveness;

As Sonja says:

Many of these are again different types of constraints e.g. some constraints connect people or things to each other e.g. networks are made up of constraints that connect. Flow is enabled (or blocked) by constraints; think about water that can be channelled or dammed. Slack is created by constraints that govern how we work. Creativity and curiosity can be catalysed by enabling constraints — think for example of the creativity that comes from a limited number of ingredients in a MasterChef Mystery Box or a half-empty fridge.

That's all before the consideration of feedback mechanisms: further forms of constraint which are perhaps paramount in maintaining messy coherence.

Suggestion: we accept the contrast an approach using constraint mapping with an approach that's more like "winging it"... but on the basis of Sonja's work, we put "situational assessment" into the Wiki as an assembly linked to maintaining messy coherence and drawing upon methods such as constraint mapping.

user:snowded response:

Workshop based (or analytic team) situational assessment (which was the context) cannot avoid the issue of action focus in the complex domain. Creating better wording around that is fine. The goal is to create the supporting material for what is listed in the Field Guide, with some variation possible. I’m happy to look at a sprint on the wider issues of situational assessment in the context of strategy as both a theory piece and as an assembly or group of assemblies, but not now as its a distraction. Ditto affordances & flow.

Sonja Response:

I think the other thing that may we confusing the issue here is that I don’t use the same typology as Dave. What I describe in that post builds on Dave’s typology in some ways, but also includes other typologies and descriptions. I started working on this several years ago before Dave refined his typology. E.g. I found it useful how constraints are described as Permitting, Inhibiting & Inviting - which is not how Dave’s describes it in the CE typology. It may be useful at some stage to compare the two but seeing as this process is meant to codifying the official CE mapping process, doing that here is probably not appropriate.
